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  1. Deluxe

    League Of Legends-Opinion on the game.

    Garen is good for counters! Like Riven , but strong late game- i would say if you build the right items
  2. Deluxe

    League Of Legends-Opinion on the game.

    Haha, that is true! Pro kill stealer
  3. Deluxe

    League Of Legends-Opinion on the game.

    Well i mained Riven for a year! Rien is very good to climb elo with carry every teamfight if you know what you are doing, ( like me ) and Urgot can be strong but a lot more champs are stronger than his and katarina is strong as fuck if fed but now i am maining Twisted Fate Thanks for replying guys
  4. I would like you opinion on the game, anything really? Like which champs are OP and witch champs are too weak and stuff like that. Looking forward to see what you guys have put!
  5. Deluxe

    What other multi player games you all like

    I really like League Of Legends! Such a good game!
  6. Deluxe

    Cod 4 promod

    Wow, I look like a right idiot xD
  7. Deluxe

    Cod 4 promod

    I think we should have our own promod team. Would be really fun. What do you think?