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I've got 3 years of programming experience, but to be honest most of it was web design and stuff, so I'm not yet fully familiar with all basic programming concepts. I've recently started learning C++ and since it's quite a complex language I figured I'd read a book, as I usually do. Though I'm just starting, programming can be extremely fun for me and I'm planning on becoming a software developer when I grow up. Anyways, the book I chose was: Beginning C++ Through Game Programming. It's also uploaded at: URL. Since I know quite a few of you are programmers in this community (I find being in a group of actual programmers awesome, since I'm way ahead of my classmates, as they mostly waste their lives playing games), I'd very much appreciate it if you could just quickly browse through it and see if it covers everything it should and from a scale of 1-10, at what level of C++ knowledge I'll be after reading it (I'm guessing around 2 :D ). Also, if you've studied C++ too, what books have you read / how did you learn?

Thanks in advance. :thumbup:

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I was wondering if it is really possible to be good programmer and get a fine job without any universities by learning from books or google. I'd like to be independent developer of a game and promote through steam greenlight/kickstarter... ehh dreams :rolleyes:

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I haven't really been specific to one language myself.

All my languages and progress in the languages are in my about me on my profile.(Not up to date)

@DavidO For game programming you don't need knowledge of a language these days a lot of programs just use code blocks instead.

If you want to get in more advance games you need C normally but i believe Unity can use C and Java.

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Here's a nice little project I made in like an hour and a half:

One thing I was planning to change was to make the arrays, coords and playerCoords, be the ones to be checked if equal, not their values, but it seemed easier. I didn't bother making any fixes, error handling, etc since I started to get bored :D One thing I'd like to ask is, if you open the program and press a movement key, it will first output the current map, sleep, and then output the changed one. Could it be it's finding key down and key up and then looping twice consequently or am I missing something? :) Also, I haven't read the standards yet, so the code may be ugly to some :P



#define KEY_UP 72
#define KEY_DOWN 80
#define KEY_LEFT 75
#define KEY_RIGHT 77

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::string;

typedef unsigned short int ushort;
typedef unsigned long int ulong;
typedef unsigned int uint;

uint userInputInt;

uint coordHoriz;
uint coordVert;
uint coords[2];

uint playerCoordHoriz;
uint playerCoordVert;
uint playerCoords[2];

bool isPlayerHere()
if (playerCoordHoriz == coordHoriz && playerCoordVert == coordVert)
return true;
return false;

int main()
//Starting position of player
playerCoordHoriz = 0;
playerCoordVert = 0;

cout << "----- Welcome to the map game. Move your player with the arrow keys. -----\n";

cout << "What'll be your map dimensions? ";
cin >> userInputInt;
cout << endl;
const ushort MAP_SIZE_HORIZ = userInputInt;
const ushort MAP_SIZE_VERT = userInputInt;

bool alive = true;

char player = 'O'; //How to display a player
char enemy = 'X'; //How to display an enemy

int c = 0;

while (alive)
c = 0;

switch ((c = _getch())) {
case KEY_UP:
if (playerCoordHoriz != 0)
case KEY_DOWN:
if (playerCoordHoriz != MAP_SIZE_HORIZ)
case KEY_LEFT:
if (playerCoordVert != 0)
if (playerCoordVert != MAP_SIZE_VERT)

uint playerCoords[2] = { playerCoordHoriz, playerCoordVert };
uint coords[2] = { coordHoriz, coordVert };

for (coordHoriz = 0; coordHoriz <= MAP_SIZE_VERT; coordHoriz++)
for (coordVert = 0; coordVert <= MAP_SIZE_HORIZ; coordVert++)
if (isPlayerHere())
cout << player;
cout << " "; //Change this string to "E" if testing
cout << endl;

cout << "Player is at [" << playerCoords[0] << ", " << playerCoords[1] << "].\n";

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I've got 3 years of programming experience, but to be honest most of it was web design and stuff, so I'm not yet fully familiar with all basic programming concepts. I've recently started learning C++ and since it's quite a complex language...

Never, start C++ before C. If you do know C (well), it should be easier to learn C++ . There are many free and paid resources on the Internet.

I only know C though, not cpp.

Also, this is not the right forum for you to share/ask this. You won't get much positive responds.

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@DavidO Make something like flappy birds and you won't need a job for a while ;D

@Kienio Yes I have, but I prefer books cause you can be completely certain they cover everything

@Fisher hehe many skillz you got there, I like that not all nerds hate going outside. I myself love adrenaline pumping sports and for my 18th birthday I'd be sooo happy if I'd go skydiving. I'm quite sure it'll be my favourite sport once I try it :D Oh and you're 17? Your voice sounds like 20+ 8o

@sam00 I learn all languages at home, even though I go to a computer gymnasium, since they teach us more about how everything works... The reason I haven't started with C is because I was told we'd do C this year at school, so I thought I'd learn C at school and then C++ at home - but of course they then decided to start with Java instead :D Anyways, I'm sure I'll learn plain C at some point but I'll be doing C++ now since I've already started and I like it :)

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I'd say don't expect much from school. At least I wouldn't. Here...

Well, depends on the school you're going. Maybe one school does more with practice and the other more theory.

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Hello, you should read them but never forget to put them in practise after you learn something, it will help you a lot, I'm a 16 years old guy, I have my own deathrun server hosted by a clan and the other one by a community, I have a bit of knowledge of C++ and vb.Net, a bit not so much but everytime I want something I go and try it untill I have it, it depends if you want to code something or you just want to learn the language and in some time you will apply your knowledge, I don't recommend that.

I've read 2 C books (each one had 600 pages (Spanish)), C++ (just something more advanced than C) and then I got a biiiiiiit of practise with vb.Net coding some programs.

So yeah, if you want something, go for it and read but never forget about putting effort on the practise... It's the same as maths, you may understand it when you look at it but you won't really do untill you prove it to yourself making exercises.

I hope I helped a bit but I can't link you this books as they were from a public library.

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Programming can you only learn by doing. Not much from reading books. At least its true for me.

Yes but, books can help you for some things, I really recommend if you don't know how to do something, search it on Google and you can find the solution and if not, do it by yourself.

Edit: You can create a thread somewhere to and they can help you.

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