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  3. Kenai

    Not viseble!

    Is the filter setting for ‘Show killcam’ set to all? Because when I search I see all the IceOps Servers. Feel free to message me on Discord if you have Discord and are in ours. -IceOps Staff
  4. pale_rider

    Not viseble!

    My filters are correct. I have Iceops in Favorietes. no problem. But if you don't have that, then you go to the 'normal" list and Iceops does not come up.
  5. Kenai

    Not viseble!

    Are you sure your filters are correctly set when searching for our Servers? If your filter is set to not show empty servers/full servers then servers with no one/full servers will not show in your list. One way to get around this is to add our Server to your Favorites(and other servers that you like to your favorites) and then set your Source to your Favorites. -IceOps Staff
  6. pale_rider

    Not viseble!

    Hello, I was wondering why so few players are on the server for CoD4. If you go to join the server, IceOps does not appear in the list. Only IceOps Freezetag is visible. Greetings and lots of game fun to you.
  7. _st1g77_

    How to get higher than 55LVL?

    On average, I score about 2000 points every match with 20-25 frags depending on the number of players. Sometimes it's 45 and sometimes it's 10.
  8. Kenai

    How to get higher than 55LVL?

    It’s how much you’ve scored(points) and how many kills you’ve gotten, I’m not exactly sure how the mod’s experience multiplier is to getting a higher level. Its @leiizko’s mod so he will have more information for you about what could be wrong, and why you’re not getting higher than level 55. -IceOps Staff
  9. HI! Im new on this website, so I have a question? I've been playing on your hardcore server for a week and I'm still lvl 55. What is the requirement for getting higher than level 55?
  10. |GB|Freaky

    Gyilkos - Continuing griefing behaviour... Again

    Thanks guys - I'm not on the discord but will join if I need to upload a large demo in the future, thanks for the advice
  11. @|GB|Freaky Cant remember if you have Discord or not, and if you do then you can upload the file(since it’s too big here) to one of us on the IceOps Discord. P.S; Player has been temp banned for 2 weeks, if griefing again or Rule:2- No Childish Behavior then they will be permanently banned.
  12. Pacifist

    Gyilkos - Continuing griefing behaviour... Again

    Thanks for the report Freaky, I believe that's now 4 demos you have given in evidence. We shall make our decision and let you know the outcome, thanks.
  13. Sorry guys but it's just non-stop reported him in game also and was asked to upload the demo. still he has done nothing to correct his behavior. Sick of it now if I'm being honest. Tried to upload a game from today (21/08) but the filesize is too large so I'll attach one from 19/08 demo0043.rar
  14. |GB|Freaky

    Report for Elguarcho

    Agreed, it's a difficult case. The kill that seemed the most questionable for me was one of his last kills at the stairs. I had changed to a class (mp5, jammer, dead silence) and he still managed to trace me through the stairs. I'll record again once he joins again - thanks for taking the time to look in to it
  15. Kenai

    Report for Elguarcho

    Dear @|GB|Freaky Thank you for your report, they do look like they're hacking but sadly it's not concrete enough(Hopefully they'll come back and I can do a demo of them as I was asleep and didn't hear my phone go off when you reported them.) I'll keep this post open in case they come back and you get another demo of them if I don't already. -IceOps Staff
  16. |GB|Freaky

    Report for Elguarcho

    Players' name: Elguarcho Players' PlayerID: Didn't get ID before he left server Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: demo0033_dm_1.92e4fb51177f35bf1e925d276061c238 Please describe what happened: Clear wallhack, didn't even try hiding it
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