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Posts posted by savior

  1. To be honest I'm not even the slightest bit doubtful about wether he did in fact have some sort of program, running in the background, making him able to see everyone through walls.

    But I do also know that he plays on the server without. I just think he turns it on when he is doing poorly or when he thinks other people are hacking, because prior to him disconnecting and coming back he'd been whining about Dex hacking.

    And it's good to hear that you are looking out :)

  2. Evening!

    I think I caught another one. Some of the regular guys will agree.

    First things first:

    Nick: Ginger.Jizz

    GUID: 8aced5e6

    Server: Promod SND

    Timer: 19.00 CET+1.

    That being said I have to explain. This guy was not playing very well, he really wasn't. Then he left for a min or 2, and came back. And he was still bad, except this time he knew where everyone was. Shooting at you before you came out, looking at the walls spotting other guys, it was not like he was trying to hide it. So I thought I would make this demo for you guys.

    But in all fairness I will let you, the admins, make the final call. Though I have no doubt in my mind, what I would do.


  3. To be fair Down did kinda push Obs a bit with the reporting stuff.

    But in Downs defence I have played with Obs a few times before, and he can be a pain if he doesn't get what he wants.

    Say 0bscurity: .Hi down, just want to tell you that I reported you for admin abuse on iceops forum :)

    Say IceOps|Down: .Good luck haha.

    Say IceOps|Down: .Be prepared to get it rejected.

    Say F4th3r: What have you done now Down? :P

    Say 0bscurity: .well, just want you not to think you're untouchable my dear

    Wait, who is pushing whom? lol

    In all fairness I did read all of that quite fast, so I may not have caught that exact relation you are pointing out here.

    Thanks for highlighting it for me.

    ON TOPIC: You shouldn't attack someone in the way Obscurity is attacking Down, just because you feel mistreated, instead use a calm tone and maybe people would take you seriously.

  4. Server: Promod SND

    Time: 22:30(CET+1)

    Nick: [R-Team]Peter

    Guid: 8aced5e6


    Right. To be honest I kinda already know that this demo isn't enough for a perm ban, but I dont have anymore time to gather more evidence tonight, and I still want you guys to know that I have seen this guy in action.

    He is not your typical "I dont give a fuck, I have wallhack" kinda of guy. This guys is experienced in using downloaded skills. He is good a hiding it. But it's the whole way he plays that makes me certain of his guilt. The way he moves carelessly and with a sense of knowledge that I personally dont see anyone else have on this server (or anywhere for that matter) - I know people can be skilled and know where other players are, trust me, I have seen the pro guys in action, so I know what thats like. And it's different with this guy. It's like you can feel that he knows where everyone else is, and still manages to hide his "help" very well.

    I dunno what you guys think, but I thought I would let you guys know what I think, and then you can tell me if I am completely wrong :)


    I will post any further demos of him in this thread.


    If you notice a dude called "Floxi" (Guid: 59d6cc7e) who is raging (and had been for quite some time, just check logs if you can) and I think that he may deserve some kind of punishment for his behavior.

  5. Hello!

    After not being able (yet again im sad to say) to get an admin on the HQ TDM server (which is quite infested with downloaded skills if I'm honest) I decided to make a demo of 2 people at once.

    Spotted on the HQ TDM server at around 15.00 (CET+1)


    Roma and 4ubaka


    Roma: dc67b58b

    4ubaka: c1cdf6a8


    I hope you ban them, since they made the entire server leave.