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Posts posted by savior

  1. TL;DR

    It's simple. Some people are born with talent, and some people have to learn the hard way. Everyone can make it to the big leagues, it just requires time and sacrifice.

    Getting good at a game, and maintaining that skill, requires time and patience. You must play a lot. Like in A LOT, I'm talking 7-10 hours each day, for a long time, to become pro.

    I know this because I used to play in the big leagues and I remember how my life was based around playing a game, and nothing else. Very little time was spent on anything else.

  2. You can write me here : My xfire IceOps|At0m .

    Or write me here ...for me it's equal .

    I know russian language ,I can help you if you don't understand something :)

    Sometimes bold, sometimes italics and sometimes both.


  3. Since when did someone who just made a profile because his friend got banned, have a say in our rules?

    Our rules are quite clear.

    If you cheat and we can prove it, you get banned. Anything in between is up to the specific admin to decide wether or not there's enough proof to ban someone.

    It's really simple.

  4. Hey, next time you record please spectate the player. The demos are not sufficent for a ban.

    The youtube videos we finally see (through) the killcam how he kills without really aiming. Roccat can be concluded, but there is no proof of wallhack.

    I can't stress this enough, when recording a player, you need to spectate him!

    What do others think? Enough proof for banning for roccat?

    Check the 30 last seconds of the first demo! demo0000.

    If you cant sayd that is WH, i dont know why u even ban people like hystad!

    Could you keep different cases seperate please? Lookout did not ban Hystad, I did, and Tirano. So this has no place here.

    ON TOPIC: I don't see anything indicating wallhack, just random shots. He might have had it, but we can't proof it with your demos. No point in discussing it though, as he is already banned.

  5. Does this mean that I can't ban him anymore, even if I think I have enough proof?

    Because I am sensing that I might do that in the future, due to the fact that I am still 110% convinced.

    Savior, you can spectate me all day if you want. And search trough the demos i have recorded from all the way back in 2011 when i started saving my demos :)

    Il give them to you if you want, just tell me :)

    I am not cheating so im not really afraid of getting cought for beeing a cheater, when i have never cheated in any multiplayer game in my life.

    But i must say that its fun, that you are so sure im cheating ^^, I think of that as a compliment :D

    You know. You can act this way all you want, but you aren't fooling me.

    Haha :D this is fun ^^, ilu savior

    My position in this community forces me to be nice. Please don't comment/message/quote me anymore, until next time I ban you.

    This comment doesnt work

  6. Does this mean that I can't ban him anymore, even if I think I have enough proof?

    Because I am sensing that I might do that in the future, due to the fact that I am still 110% convinced.

    Savior, you can spectate me all day if you want. And search trough the demos i have recorded from all the way back in 2011 when i started saving my demos :)

    Il give them to you if you want, just tell me :)

    I am not cheating so im not really afraid of getting cought for beeing a cheater, when i have never cheated in any multiplayer game in my life.

    But i must say that its fun, that you are so sure im cheating ^^, I think of that as a compliment :D

    You know. You can act this way all you want, but you aren't fooling me.

    Haha :D this is fun ^^, ilu savior

  7. Does this mean that I can't ban him anymore, even if I think I have enough proof?

    Because I am sensing that I might do that in the future, due to the fact that I am still 110% convinced.

    Savior, you can spectate me all day if you want. And search trough the demos i have recorded from all the way back in 2011 when i started saving my demos :)

    Il give them to you if you want, just tell me :)

    I am not cheating so im not really afraid of getting cought for beeing a cheater, when i have never cheated in any multiplayer game in my life.

    But i must say that its fun, that you are so sure im cheating ^^, I think of that as a compliment :D

    You know. You can act this way all you want, but you aren't fooling me.

  8. permbanned (again)

    Scytr Hystad


    hardcore TDM

    wh/esp or whatever it is that is telling him where everyone is. Yes, he is a good player, but he also knows too much.

    demo (this is very long since i know he will appeal and I had to have a 100% solid demo) I have also forwarded this new demo to the CG admins.

    BONUS INFO:I dont normally like to make my private conversations known, but I will let you guys know that he also contacted me on the site saying that all he had was CG and that I shouldn't contact them, because then they might think that he was cheating, and he would be banned. I wont post screenshots of this, since it's private, so you just have to take my word for it.

    I did NOT say that i did not want you to contact them, i was only afraid that you were putting me in a bad light because you think i hack.

    Thats why i contacted you asking what you wrote to CG. I did not say that you should not contact them, go ahead and contact them. But i think it just unfair to put me in a bad light when i dont hack.

    Here is the actual message i sent you savior.


    I dont hack at all and i would be sad if i couldnt play on your server anymore since its so fun. But if you tell CG that i am a cheater and makes them think it too and gets me banned from CG. Then i honestly dont know what to do. I have been playing this game actively since it came out and CG is VERY important to me. i cant loose it!! I just want to know that you are not putting me in a bad light here. That would not be fair at all when i dont hack and never will.I am just beeing honest, because honesty last longer than lies. I live by that rule


    That is a matter of perspective, this was what I thought you meant.

  9. Well to be honest, Hystad is a clean player. He have played many leagues before with many diffrent anti cheats.

    And at this point he is actually at LAN with some of hes friends, why would any1 cheat at lan?

    Who am i to tell this? Well, i have been friend with hystad some years now, playing cod4 mixes togheter and so on.

    You might think now that i am just defending him as a friend, but i say this as a CG admin defending clean players.

    As an CG admin i have insight in peoples history and i cant find anything that says he cheats or have cheats.

    Don't belive its me, you can contact me here:

    If you're an admin, could you please explain why nobody bothered to answer the ticket that I made the day before christmas?

  10. Is he getting special treatment because he is claiming to be a "pro" player? I am asking because people who I have banned for hacking, which did not have as much proof as there is in this demo, where not unbanned when they appealed.

    There are several instances where you can't hear, you can't see, you don't have UAV AND you still know enough to shoot EXACTLY at the enemy in front of you, and the enemy behind him.

    I know that Hystad is a good player, you can tell by his playstyle, but you can't explain all of the moments in the demo, and since I can't, I don't believe that he is playing cleanly. I am also a good player, and I also kill a lot of people whenever I am on the hardcore, and I know other admins/regulars on here do aswell. But none of them, including myself, know as much as Hystad seems to do.

    If you can't see that in this demo, then I don't think we will ever get a better demo of him.

    Someone else will have to lift this, because I stand by my decision, as I always do when I ban someone for hacking.

  11. permbanned (again)

    Scytr Hystad


    hardcore TDM

    wh/esp or whatever it is that is telling him where everyone is. Yes, he is a good player, but he also knows too much.

    demo (this is very long since i know he will appeal and I had to have a 100% solid demo) I have also forwarded this new demo to the CG admins.

    BONUS INFO:I dont normally like to make my private conversations known, but I will let you guys know that he also contacted me on the site saying that all he had was CG and that I shouldn't contact them, because then they might think that he was cheating, and he would be banned. I wont post screenshots of this, since it's private, so you just have to take my word for it.

  12. The reply I got, was that I will be given an answer in the year 2015.

    Who did you talk to at CG?

    Alright, I'm gonna be friendly now, and ask you politely to wait until someone has decided what to do on your appeal.

    Thats okay with me. Do you know how long it will take? What if they dont answer on CG?

    Where's the fire? I said, you are gonna hear something, as soon as I hear something. It's the holidays, you can't expect everything to move as fast as it normally does.

  13. Oh and the younger girl were meagain talked about is acually a friend of mine and I was very sorry for here and I talked about it with meagain and I told him that I would never do it again but this is very long ago

    This ban is from december man. Only 9 days ago.