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Everything posted by Fisher

  1. Fisher

    Wall hacker on Snd

    Yeah there seem to be a lot of hackers on SnD.
  2. Fisher

    Custom Deathrun

    Well, I know that I can get one csgo knife but I doubt I can get all 4 types (I'm not good a modelling). If someone where to make the ports I would happily add them to the mod.
  3. Fisher

    Custom Deathrun

    I thought that was a good idea until i realised that the deathrun_sound iwd would literally be about 100mb for 10 songs xD.
  4. Fisher

    Help Guys

    Not to be annoying but you're more likely to get a viable response on
  5. Fisher

    How can you do high jump in deathrun?

    Maybe. ​
  6. Fisher

    How can you do high jump in deathrun?

    Well to be fair anyone who has spoken to me will recognise me. (I have a very unique accent as you can tell xD)
  7. Fisher

    How can you do high jump in deathrun?

    No it's not ​
  8. Fisher


    Well if you look up Codx it says it had been reloacted to a new forum.
  9. Fisher

    How to keep IceOps alive suggestion

    The idea isnt bad but i think iceops is a more mature clan and wouldn't care about ranks. People say they will play more often but they will die down after a week or so. CS:GO is a good game but definitely not a popular one when it comes community servers. Well since the promod team died a CS GO team wouldn't be so bad. I noticed we have some really good players like Sam and others so it is a possibility (I would definitely apply)
  10. Fisher

    IceOps is now 5 years old

    Well if you want clan members to join the server then ask them on what the server we would like.
  11. Fisher

    IceOps is now 5 years old

    If you want to attract people into a server stop trying to run games that are pretty boring. Old Dayz is barely played on and people play on servers that are already popular. GMOD is the same. Start servers that havent been done yet like with what you did with the COD 4 servers. Not many obs servers where up were up when i heard about iceops runnning one. The minecraft server was pretty popular, never seen it empty.
  12. Fisher

    IceOps is now 5 years old

    Happy birthday IceOps. May their be many more years to come.
  13. Fisher

    Paintball Server

    Well it advertises the website which has all the serves on it. Lets be honest everyone hates advertisement and it's not exactly hard to find the rest of the servers.
  14. Fisher

    Paintball Server

    People concentrated on exams, what i meant was most admins such a Ninja and DeltaMX have work and also have to work on CodX so they don't have much time to work on a new server. I would prefer Freeze Tag over Paintball.
  15. Fisher

    Paintball Server

    I think its the wrong time to start a new server yet. Because of all the exams and tests many of us cant play and is to much maintenance for the admins. I don't think it would have a constant source of people on either so i'm against it. Just play together on another server and maybe in the summer someone might create one.
  16. Fisher

    Someone help me get my minimap back xD

    Reason for that is you must of binded that key at on point or unbinded it. I'm not sure if you can bind it in the controls or by doing /bind maybe some one can enlighten him on what the name of the action is so he can do /bind 5 "????"
  17. Fisher

    An important reminder

    Well posting does not necessarily mean a forum post. Simply having it on the website at it could be posting. Just ask one of the admins on steam or on the forums they will most likely allow you.
  18. Fisher

    Deathrun round end for ...

    Well I think they all assumed that you meant a iceops server(well i did). The best way to find out the problem is to read the console. Well here is some more questions What version of deathrun? What plugins do you use if any? Try disabling all plugins and see if it fixes it.
  19. Fisher

    Cod4 CDKey

    I might be completely wrong here because i'm not sure and it could be completely different on mac but here is my observation. Many games use the Windows Registry to store CD keys and i'm not sure if Cod4 is the same but i suggest removing the profile from the files when the game is placed on USB it should wipe all preferred settings including the CD key. I could be completely but lucky for you someone can confirm/disprove(positives of using a forum) it.
  20. Fisher

    Deathrun Rules

    But if we were to kick players for being AFK most will try to be smart and say its not in the rules. Just less confrontation for admins. Maybe the entire rule page needs to be updated.
  21. Fisher

    [Request]Change default theme

    Well i honestly dont care about having a reward (unless its £1,000,000) but people who are not members of the clan may need something to do a logo. Graphic designing is a job after all. For me it just draws more competition for me
  22. Fisher

    [Request]Change default theme

    Well i guess that the majority of the members agree that a logo competition would be nice all we need now is admin to agree to this. @Ninja @DeltaMX @TheKelm @NNJ
  23. Fisher

    [Request]Change default theme

    A competition would be nice because as proven by @MixR, we have talent in the clan and this is perfect for them to show their talent.
  24. Fisher

    Deathrun Rules

    I only administrate behaviour that falls under the rules on the website. I think for me and especially new members saying that they are a rule in some thread isn't enough. The hole point of the rule section is so people can follow them and they can follow them if they cant see them. This hole topic is about clarification so people understand.
  25. Fisher

    [Request]Change default theme

    I assumed that this wasn't a competition and the post is nearly a year old.