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Posts posted by Eulderink

  1. changed my last reply, please respond, and I hope this will clear things up a bit, if you still stay with your opinion.

    I would like to see what other admins think of it.

    If your answers stay the same, well maybe you will see me in the DR server ;)

    if the english is a little bad it's because I needed to watch the demo's quite a lot of times to finally write down my thought about it.

  2. First demo

    got flashed my team went to side of A-side and got killed, after trying to approach A-site where there is always someone.

    Changed class to aku to be faster at a-side was moved stealthly saw oats and killed him. regained health, heard sound on the right tried to pinpoint him but couldn't find him.

    Heard sound again went to defenders spawn no 1 there. Heard sniper shooting and saw on mini-map went that direction. Tried to sneak up on him made a sound, so I knew he would have noticed me, he tried to snipe me evaded him and killed him.

    Bomb was planted by barti, protected it while looking if he maybe went in middle house and behind me for sneak ups. zoomed out for more coverage, saw him try to kill him but barti did.

    Went again a tried to be quicker heard and saw snipers on mini-map tried to kill them aimed to much at the wall. went up heard sniper trying to shoot me from other side so went prone, and tried to get away, because he seen me go prone prolly and knows my exact location. someone came in my escape attempt and killed him, being killed next. then smoked a entrance from attackers side so a rusher couldn't peek at the door, aimed the other side of A building, because there can be someone, there was he moved from his spot and I just killed him. think I planted bomb after that and got killed. A wh'er in my opinion wouldn't have tried to plant the bomb or atleast it to lure him not planting the bomb. Think after that 1 the last 1 came, where I went to middle building shot a few times on rush spot on container at middle building. nobody there got hit bullits came from above I thought nobody there. thought he must be coming down threw frag nade to other side turned around and killed in the back, wh'er would never turned his back, when he knew someone was there.

    second demo

    First kill is sound based, second sniper was shooting from there, I saw tried to shoot him saw him running to the left I so aimed there.

    Third demo

    heard sound in house, then heard the bomb tried to snipe him, because he was probably just in reach of bombsite so he wouldn't get sniped by the sniping spot on other side. Tried to snipe him missed.

    Because I heard sound from the house in de middle, before the bomb was being planted, I immediatly turn around to the window, need to change aim a bit because he came from fence. Shooting attracted someone heard steps so kept aiming there.

    After that wanted to defuse bomb, but got sniped from someone, which i see with Killcam from the basement of A-site.

    Fourth demo

    Get error when I wanna watch it so cannot comment on that 1 sorry.

    Btw for judging my personality a bit, I was admin a while when [eQl] had still there own server as in SuperT. you needed to prove yourself in these 2 clans and there are still some traces left of it online.

    1 is my xfire account which I will make a link to where u can see me speccing players, with obv hax.