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Posts posted by NinjaWa

  1. On 7/2/2016 at 6:12 PM, Scott said:

    showing your attitude being on the attack all the time prooves that you are not a patiente person.

    The ban is only 5hours.

    We can extend it if you want  but just wait those 5 hours. 



    Why do you admins always are with your own admins even tho they aren't correct all the times?


    As a "Super Moderator" you should explain admins how to talk to players in a kind way so they can try to understand it, if they don't then you should make the next step but not a direct ban just for that.


    That's my opinion, try to be in the place of 0w0, imagine that you're not an admin and he is and he bans you because of that, wouldn't you be frustrated?

  2. 18 hours ago, Kienio said:

    The problem about that is that people will spam the command and it'll just spam the chat feed, unless it's set to pm the user so that nobody else can see it


    Or you can set to "self" and iprintlnbold or iprintln the nextmap. That will only appear to that user.


    1 hour ago, Mighty Jayster said:

    Well what you can do then (not sure if its possible) but make it so that the command can only be used once every lets say 15 mins or 10 mins and then it wont be spammable. Possibly ?


    Yes that is possible, it would be a REALLY easy script, even I could make it. If IceOps would want that I wouldn't have a problem in helping :)

  3. On 18/1/2016 at 0:04 AM, xPr3d4t0Rs said:

    Good evening guys. I would like to ask how can I modify the sprint time in scripts so it can be unlimited. I am aware of the DVAR  "player_sprintUnlimited 1" but I tried it to set and didn't work. Is it possible to modify the sprint time in another way?

    Try using:

    player_sprintunlimited 1



  4. Hmm go inside a .gsc script and call it somewhere where player connects or spawns and write this:


    self setclientdvar(" cg_drawcrosshair", 0);


    About the progressbar, I guess you will need to edit .menu, not sure which ones.

  5. 12 hours ago, Mc.Joker said:

    You havent even read the whole page I assume, he explained what he wants to do and then you'll know why it costs yhat much.

    I did read everything.

    10 hours ago, SaviorX said:

    Kickstarter funding goal: $30,000 Minimum

    Reaching Goal

    Due to high levels of interest from people wanting to help mod, develop and design. We will begin hiring a team to work on this project

    try read it all next time lol 

    I did read everything.


    2 hours ago, Lookout said:

    Not to mention publishing rights or similiar Activition will step in for sure...

    I think that they would but they have better things to do I guess.

  6. Player's name:


    Player's GUID or UID:



    IceOps Deathrun


    Please describe what happened:

    He auto assigned twice, the second time after telling him not to. Proofs here:

  7. You can simply use a script made by Crazy from RoyalSoldiers.


    //  ________/\\\\\\\\\__________________________________________________________        
    //   _____/\\\////////___________________________________________________________       
    //    ___/\\\/_________________________________________________________/\\\__/\\\_      
    //     __/\\\______________/\\/\\\\\\\___/\\\\\\\\\_____/\\\\\\\\\\\___\//\\\/\\\__     
    //      _\/\\\_____________\/\\\/////\\\_\////////\\\___\///////\\\/_____\//\\\\\___    
    //       _\//\\\____________\/\\\___\///____/\\\\\\\\\\_______/\\\/________\//\\\____   
    //        __\///\\\__________\/\\\__________/\\\/////\\\_____/\\\/_______/\\_/\\\_____  
    //         ____\////\\\\\\\\\_\/\\\_________\//\\\\\\\\/\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_\//\\\\/______ 
    //          _______\/////////__\///___________\////////\//__\///////////___\////________
    	level.welcomegeo = undefined;
    	level.iswaitingforgeo = undefined;
    		level waittill("connected",player);
    		if( !isdefined( player.pers["player_welcomed"] ) )
    			player.pers["player_welcomed"] = true;  // player welcomed
    			player thread geo();
    	level endon("disconnect");
    	location = self getgeolocation (2);
    		wait .05;
    		level.iswaitingforgeo = true;
    	level.iswaitingforgeo = undefined;
    	level hudmsgtop("^1Welcome ^2" +  + " ^1From ^2" + location);
    	level.welcomegeo = true;
    	msg = addTextHud( level, 750, 5, 1, "left", "middle", undefined, undefined, 1.4, 888 );
    	msg SetText(text);
    	msg.sort = 102;
    	msg.foreground = 1;
    	msg.archived = true;
    	msg.alpha = 1;
    	msg.fontScale = 1.5;
    	msg.color = level.randomcolour;
    	msg MoveHud(30,-1300);
    	wait 15;
    	msg destroy();
    	level.welcomegeo = undefined;
    MoveHud(time,x,y) {
        self moveOverTime(time);
            self.x = x;
            self.y = y;
    addTextHud( who, x, y, alpha, alignX, alignY, horiz, vert, fontScale, sort ) {
    	if( isPlayer( who ) )
    		hud = newClientHudElem( who );
    		hud = newHudElem();
    	hud.x = x;
    	hud.y = y;
    	hud.alpha = alpha;
    	hud.sort = sort;
    	hud.alignX = alignX;
    	hud.alignY = alignY;
    		hud.vertAlign = vert;
    		hud.horzAlign = horiz;		
    	if(fontScale != 0)
    		hud.fontScale = fontScale;
    	hud.foreground = 1;
    	hud.archived = 0;
    	return hud;


  8. Hmmm there were a plugin of deathrun, let me search for it.


    EDIT: there's none :/


    It's actually hard to do it without b3 or mam I think, I have no clue on how that could be possible tho