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Posts posted by Synd

  1. 1. Saw

    2. Cherry

    3. Super Mario World

    4. Mirrors Edge

    5. Staab first map I cant remember the name.

    There's a Mirror's Edge DR map? Why the fuck isn't that in rotation :D

    There's one main reason why it is not in rotation/server files, the map defies the basics of deathrun and is basically a cat and mouse game where the activator shoots jumpers with his barret and have unlimited HP until the end room ofcourse. I'd love to have it on if it had a normal activator solution as its very entertaining.

    Too bad, because that map could have had great potential. The map looked great.

  2. Sooo.. I can't be a moderator unless I'm a clan member? :S

    That's how I got it. Dunno if you get new obligations, I just reapplied and got accepted. I don't think it's gonna change anything.

    Except, I can't be a clan member.........

  3. Hello everyone, well this is my new map Facility, based on a secret government test facility with different biomes, undiscovered animals, and many more secrets.

    What i plan to do with traps is make each room have a different theme,

    for example, i have an Icy room, and everything is slick. I need trap

    ideas for that room.

    So far: 1.Start area

    2. Ice room

    3. Grassy room

    4. Lava room

    I have a volcano trap for the lava room









    Please leave suggestions down below.

    Much more detail will be added, but this is the basic for now.