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Everything posted by Flowinggas

  1. Flowinggas

    Suspicious player

    and also yes delta first round someone spectated him. if someone spectate me and i hack i wouldnt use hacks too. second round he did 2 shots if you hear clearly, and both were a hit. also perfect anti fire nades to me. and that spray was randomly bullshit. watch killcam and you see he cant see me and got a perfect aim ON me.
  2. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity recorded

    demos don't lie
  3. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity recorded

    perfect record to me?? watch this one. this one you can see Maybe this demo even shows 2 hackers on 1 record. also a teamkill on purpose. the next guy I will spectate now. and a new demo of him again. In chat u see he killed me after i died. Demo0000 > dieing as obs
  4. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity recorded

    damn tarted demo does not work. DAMN BUGS. in my record there were so many different kills. Strange AFK kills and other things. I hope this player get a full check because i am 100 percent sure. Checking ur demo now Delta.
  5. Flowinggas

    Teamkilling on purpose

    to be honist i was in there for like 1 minute and he made 2 teamkills in the first round i started ( 2 headshots in like 30 seconds). ofcourse i report this then?
  6. Flowinggas

    Teamkilling on purpose

    he wasnt pissed. but he tried to make lowest score ever he said. a new record or something.
  7. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity

  8. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity

    To open the demo: Activision > COD4 MF > mods > iceobscurity > PUT A MAP NAMED: demos and put the demo in there Open Cod4 > launch iceobscurity mod and type in console : /demo demo0018 thats how u open it sam, not how u just told it thanx
  9. Hello IceOps members and active forum-users. So I was thinking to how to give IceOps a better gaming experience. As I quoted Ninja's post that there is a big chance that IceOps won't be alive for another 5years, I figured to make the forums and teamspeak more active. Put in a ranksystem for members. This way you make people come online on teamspeak and servers much more, and get a greater gaming experience since if you do things along with teamspeak, this will be much more fun. for example, a rank of activity in the servers/teamspeak. Activity of those together combined makes your rank. (This ranksystem counts only for members) below 1000 points = black member 1000+ points = bronze member 2500+ points = silver member 5000+ points = gold member This points counts each month. How to reconize your rank? You can see it behind your name in forums, aswell on teamspeak. Like this: (IOP means IceOps Points) How to earn those points? Very simple, be active. Every 30 minutes on teamspeak gains 15 points, every forumpost gain 5 points. When you are in teamspeak, even while you are not playing but just on your pc, you already gain points. This way you make it possible for other players to ask you to join a game, talk, or whatever. Which make people quicker play games together. this make people more active on forums aswell on teamspeak. Also, almost every player have another game. Make it able to play along in other games. how to do that? very simple, the rank system already does, since teamspeak make people come together. The only thing that you have to do is different channels. And as final, to make everything linked you can make teamleaders. Every game has only 1 teamleader. For example: COD4 = 1 teamleader, LoL = 1 teamleader, CSGO = 1 teamleader, and so on. And to discuss the problems make a meeting on TS3 for all teamleaders together once a month ( or 2 ) This way every player starts to learn their fellow members better, better gaming experience, more activity and much more FUN! Let me know what you guys think of this.
  10. Flowinggas

    Paintball Server

    Hey Guys, So I started in shoutbox about a paintball server, that it would be more fun if we play on a paintball mod sometimes. There were actually pretty good comments on this shout so I was wondering seriously if we should do that And if you never played paintball mod on call of duty, here a little warm up:
  11. Flowinggas

    Aimbot Obscurity

    demo information for Prime. here you go. U fill in rest please. * Cant upload demo, trying a different way now *
  12. Flowinggas

    Hacker obscurity + tk

    Name Hacker/Teamkiller: SantaClaus Guid Hacker/Teamkiller: f3d36dee Server: Obscurity Time he was in server: between 20.30 - 21.20 (+1GMT) This guy is tempbanned already for 30 days, even though that should not be enough. Demo's speak for itself. Right before he left, he flashed his teammates and teamkilled them. Do not have him on screenshot of tk but I hope lookout have these screenshots.
  13. Flowinggas

    Hacker obscurity + demos

    Server: Obscurity Name of hacker: SpEcTeR Guid: d16e593b Demos speak for themselves.
  14. Flowinggas

    Admin Ignoring Rules.

    Server: IceObscurity Player: Codrac (IceOps|Fa!l3r) Guid: @300000015 Playing in obscurity finding failer to break rules. (He used teleport bug at begin of round using the teleport of the other round to get in marine spawn in a second.) Screenshots below he is saying I made my own rules.
  15. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity

    Server: Obscurity Time: 11.00pm - 0.30 am +1GMT Date: 29-09-2014/ 30-09-2014 Name: TJ>>$torm<< UID/GUID: 0599dc54 Userplayers ping: between 130 and 160 Different demo's captured. Demo 0081 and 0082 most proof. i got another big demo but cant post it. Re: Here download link for the bigger demo: http://www.speedyshare.com/Frkq2/demo0079.dm-1
  16. Flowinggas


    Hi all. Got a record from Abruzzi glitching / hacking puppeter unlimited health. Got 2 records, and after saying it he started about he didnt do it on purpose but still trolling with it. Very annoying. Demo in attached files Else ask me on xFire: flowinggas
  17. Flowinggas

    Tk on purpose

    He guys, I had 2 guys tking people on purpose. Also made screenshots of this. Names: UID: 316063 > Finn > TK on purpose UID: 328803 > noyz > TK on purpose Screenshots below. http://oi42.tinypic.com/5cah45.jpg http://oi43.tinypic.com/2h5iutf.jpg http://oi40.tinypic.com/260z9q8.jpg http://oi41.tinypic.com/xdpco.jpg
  18. Flowinggas

    Admin Abuse IceOps Down

    Hey, I report IceOps|Down for admin abuse. Here I got a screenshot of hes troll kicking and saying he will ban me. Also, he was rude against me and gumkacsa and started acting really worse. Just cause I nailed him with my words he kicks me and talking about a ban.
  19. Flowinggas

    Hacker Cought on tape

    Name:ELKES UID: 172485 Recorded + Just banned
  20. Flowinggas

    Hacker cought

    Name: FaZe Temperrr UID: 202552 Hacker cought, recorded. On record also showing teamkill on purpose. He has been banned, thank you Reiss
  21. Flowinggas

    Suspicious player

    Name: Wind Uid: 192073 Watch the whole demo is recommended (takes two rounds)
  22. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity recorded

    Hello, I found a guy just a minute ago that is very suspicious. Used leaper and didn't make sound but he still followed me, to bad i dont got that on record. Also killed an afker somewhere in middle of nowhere THAT I GOT ON RECORD File below. Name: WU-B|Alcatraz UID: 2183 I couldn't check the demo for this reason: Exceeded limit of 1000 'xmodel' assets.
  23. Flowinggas

    Teamkilling on purpose

    Hey guys, Blackshark, who i played with this evening, teamkilled on purpose. I got a screenshot of his score but because it was dark in the map it gave me a black screenshot of console. Time + Date: 0.10 AM +2GMT. date: 3-5-2013 Do not have hes UID. Hope you make work from it.
  24. Flowinggas

    Hacker Obscurity

    Hey, I found a hacker again Name: |Mr| Kosta UID: 120093 Server: Obscurity Got him on record. If you dont know how to watch the record add me on xFire and I tell you. xFire: flowinggas