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Posts posted by Gogo

  1. Thanks.

    I must create folders like maps/mp/gametypes, and there must be for example _globallogic.gsc, and then this folders with files put in to localized_LANGUAGE_iw07.iwd? Or i am wrong?

    Cause i try put broken globallogic.gsc in few different places but game wont start any .gsc file. I see that server work fine without any script error, and nothing happen, like gsc files are not active.

  2. Thanks for reply, but only .cfg files can be executed with +exec in cmd line. (i think xD) :/

    I know that i must have .csv or something in one of .iwd files in main folder or usermaps folder, but that is all what i know for that.

    For fs_game i know how start any .gsc script, but i want start it without fs_game like i explain in my first post here.

  3. Hi guys, first sorry for my bad english. :)

    Is here anybody who know how start .gsc files without fs_game on the server? Like _globallogic.gsc from main folder or something like that.

    I want edit hardcore mode (add welcome messages, etc), but everything i try just no make any effect on game, and i want it to make only server side so clients/players do not need to download anything from server.

    I do not know where to continue looking for, so if anyone knows how to do it I would be grateful to him.