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Everything posted by Wingzor

  1. Wingzor

    Anti Name Change Script for server side!

    you ask lots of stuff for someone who is modding his server mod..... i'm here to help and give tips, not to build your server/mod
  2. Wingzor

    Anti Name Change Script for server side!

    Decompile your mod.ff if you do not have sources already. Mostlikely thread it in the mod.gsc or globallogic.gsc Not sure which filenames 2.18 uses. Copy the script in a gsc file and thread it. Thread scriptfoldername/scriptname::init (); Should do your trick
  3. Wingzor

    Anti Name Change Script for server side!

    //doublepost Hudge fail at checker Use <= instead of >=
  4. Wingzor

    Anti Name Change Script for server side!

    what kind of server do you host ? mod or non mod ? (can be done on both but it's easier if you give me some info )
  5. Wingzor

    Anti Name Change Script for server side!

    //__/\\\______________/\\\______________________________________________________________________________________ // _\/\\\_____________\/\\\_____________________________________________xfire:_Evilphinal________________________ // _\/\\\_____________\/\\\__/\\\_________________/\\\\\\\\______________________________________________________ // _\//\\\____/\\\____/\\\__\///___/\\/\\\\\\____/\\\////\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_____/\\\\\_____/\\/\\\\\\\____________ // __\//\\\__/\\\\\__/\\\____/\\\_\/\\\////\\\__\//\\\\\\\\\_\///////\\\/____/\\\///\\\__\/\\\/////\\\___________ // ___\//\\\/\\\/\\\/\\\____\/\\\_\/\\\__\//\\\__\///////\\\______/\\\/_____/\\\__\//\\\_\/\\\___\///____________ // ____\//\\\\\\//\\\\\_____\/\\\_\/\\\___\/\\\__/\\_____\\\____/\\\/______\//\\\__/\\\__\/\\\___________________ // _____\//\\\__\//\\\______\/\\\_\/\\\___\/\\\_\//\\\\\\\\___/\\\\\\\\\\\__\///\\\\\/___\/\\\___________________ // ______\///____\///_______\///__\///____\///___\////////___\///////////_____\/////_____\///____________________ /* NAMECHANGER detection */ init() { level.Interval = 3; //check interval in seconds, you could also write a dvar for this level.checks = 10; //amount of checks in a row before you return a false detection level.requiredChecks = 8;// amount of checks of the total check amount to return a true for(; { level waittill("connected", player); player thread NameCheck(); } } NameCheck() { self endon("disconnect"); self.pers["changedname"] = 0; currentname =; for(; { currentname =; wait 10; if(currentname != && !self.watched) self watchPlayer(); self waittill("check_done"); } } watchPlayer() { self endon("disconnect"); for(i=0;i { currentname =; wait level.interval; if(currentname != self.pers["changedname"]++; } if(level.requiredChecks>=self.pers["changedname"]) self thread dropPlayer("kick","NameChanger(AutoKick)"); //kick or ban method possible else { self.pers["changedname"] = 0; self notify("check_done"); } } /*#############BANNING & LOGWRITING########*/ dropPlayer(type,reason,time) { if(isDefined(self.banned)) return; self.banned = true; self notify("catched"); log("autobans.log",type + " player " + + "("+self getGuid()+"), Reason: " +reason); text = ""; if(type == "ban") text = "^5Banning ^7" + + " ^5for ^7" + reason + " ^5#"; if(type == "kick") text = "^5Kicking ^7" + + " ^5for ^7" + reason + " ^5#"; level thread showDelayText(text,1); //shows an string so other people see someone is getting banned with reason X //execute the ban/kick if(type == "ban") exec("banclient " + self getEntityNumber() + " " + reason); //does require the iceops patch ! if(type == "kick") exec("clientkick " + self getEntityNumber() + " " + reason); //does require the iceops patch ! wait 10; } showDelayText(text,delay) { wait delay; iPrintln(text); } //does require the iceops patch ! log(logfile,log) { database = undefined; database = FS_FOpen(logfile, "append"); FS_WriteLine(database, log); FS_FClose(database); } Script has NOT been tested ! ( i had no time to test it yet , consider it as an example of how it could be done so you learn something yourself aswell )
  6. Wingzor

    Anti Name Change Script for server side!

    Hey bro has been a while Tnx //sorry for offtopic
  7. Wingzor

    Anti Name Change Script for server side!

    There is an easy solution for such things. just check the the and save it in a variable. check the variable with the actual once in a while. use a checksum to check if it bypassed your allowed amount. if it does you can drop the client. //sorry im not sure if im allowed to provide scripts on the board ( ivent read the rules yet haha ) you could contact me on xfire : evilphinal