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Posts posted by freaker

  1. All the heartbeats are going well according to your console....btw u can disable gamespy, I mean change the gamespy value to 0 because it is dead now. Does your server still shows modded not ranked in the server browser???

    btw can you please provide me the mod link which your using with the custom map you want to use it with...

    That will make me easy to understand where the problem is....

  2. First of all can you please edit your config with these codes instead of your one as provided in this topic:

    // Authorization
    set sv_authorizemode -1
    set operatorpass ""
    set sv_showasranked 1

    // Master Servers
    set sv_master1 ""
    set sv_master2 ""
    set sv_master3 ""
    set sv_master4 ""
    set sv_master5 ""
    set sv_master6 ""
    set sv_master7 ""
    set sv_master8 ""
    set sv_master9 ""
    set sv_master10 ""
    set sv_gamespy "1"

    Then can you please tell me that if the server is sending heartbeat to &

    Then please reply with the result.

  3. Can you please tell what actually ur trying to do with b3??I mean which functions and which plugins u might interested to use???The b3 version ur using is buggy version...So please provide me the full detail of how ur b3 will be and then I will make onek b3 bot for you and will provide you that bug free....For this you need to provide me lots of information like ur cod4 directory modname and plugins u want there...rcon and database should be given input by u after I provide u the complete b3 bot....

  4. U can configure the ping limit at ur own have to edit the promod's custom ruleset file and edit the command sv_maxping "ur-value" and also use this command in ur server.cfg can also set a force dvar on promod's servercheck.gsc source file to execute this ping limit function....iceops 1.7a crack by default has a ping limit of 999ms maybe....

  5. That was exactly like the config but it needs to be made a config with the following command and upload the config in each files directory so that the file can be downloaded with redirection which we also call fast download...

    Not sure but it worked for me....

  6. You need to also upload an fastdownload.cfg in each of your files directory. Such as mods/modname/fastdownload.cfg

    The fastdownload.cfg should look like:

    set sv_allowdownload "1"
    seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
    seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""
    seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

    Make a file named fastdownload.cfg using the above commands and put this file in every folder of your files.

    Hope this will solve your problem :D

  7. Dos attack has no protection -_- You can try some layer 6 or layer 7 firewall devices at your server end to reduce the effect of dos attack. Recently I was being attacked with 2.5 Gbps and my whole server crashed on it :/ Haven't got any solution to that without adopting some firewall devices. You can also try some datacenter in US who are providing dos attack protection on game servers :D