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Another guy insulting

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Hello and good morning everyone

So as promised, here's another one!

1. What type of a rule break are you reporting: He was insulting me, swearing a bit hc (hardcore)

2. Server: Your Deathrun v1.1 (

3. Approximate time: Hmm hard to tell, but it was 13/8/14...

4. Player's name: SC| Santa.C

5. Player's GUID or UID: Couldn't get that, excuse me for that...

6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs): Here it is

7. Please describe what happened: So that guy was spectating his friend or something, i killed him and he started insulting, then i "replied" with Meh, kids... but he continewd... so after i got a bit pissed off, i had to tell, that he's a fag... excuse me for that, but he was getting onmy nerves...

Thanks for your time guys!

Chris :D

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