Community and Server Updates!

This announcement is no longer active


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Hey there everyone,


I have three new announcements for everyone today!

One is unfortunately a little less happily message, we have to let members go due to lack of inactivity.


First of all, we have to let go the inactive members to create an active constituency.

These members will be included; 

- Lookout

- Fisher

- Grondverf

- Joey

- Blackshark


All of the above listed persons are more than welcome to reapply when they are back at their activity level.


So now lets move up to the more fun part of this post!


Due to popular request from our player base in our servers we decided to create a screenshot system for the regular players. The players are only able to take two screenshots each game. If they can see someone is hacking they are able to report the offense to our forums. However there are limitations. To prevent abuse, for our admins and for our server activity, you will not be able to request a screenshot of yourself PLUS every player can be screenshotted only two times at max!


So, lets take Leiizko as an example. Since we all know he is using hacks, we are going to get a screenshot from his point of view.

This according to the following steps:


You will be able to request a screenshot of another player by typing "$pbss <player name>/<player slot number>" in chat. For example if someone were to request a screenshot of Leiizko, he would have to type "$pbss Leiizko" or "$pbss 0" in chat, where 0 would be the slot number of the player you are requesting a screenshot from. The Slot number can switch every round and be found by typing "$ministatus" in chat/console and looking at console output. You can also type a part of the nickname, for example "$pbss leiiz".


Once you have requested a screenshot it might take some time for it to complete. Once the screenshot is successfully taken, you will be able to access it at this website. If you find a player to be cheating, you can contact an admin with direct link to the screenshot or file a player report, again with direct link to the screenshot in question.


Note: this is a primeur for the whole COD4 world, make sure to use it in a proper way. If not so, we can easily pull the plug of this idea and go back to the old system!!


Lastly due to Promod server being constantly empty we have switched it to a normal Free for All mode to let players have quick and fun matches.


Furthermore we'd like to thank everyone for reading and wish you all a nice weekend.

If there are any questions remaining feel free to post them down below!


More updates to come!


- The IceOps Staff