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  1. TacTicToe

    Player kicked by scriptadmin

    Yea thanks I figured it out. The CoD4 masterserver and authentication servers are down. As a result my guid is appended with a 0000000 at the beginning. SOOOO my B3 and OW mod did not recognize my guid and was kicking me since I had our tag set as protected. Simple fix. I just added all relevant guids to the OW config and B3 database that had a 0000000 beginning guid and it works. I think Activision is trying to kill off this game.
  2. TacTicToe

    Player kicked by scriptadmin

    I keep getting kicked form my server for this error. Any idea what it is and why I keep getting kicked? I am running OpenWarfare Mod
  3. TacTicToe

    Custom maps limit?

    No. None of the maps are faulty. You can play thru an entire rotation, once it goes past X number of custom maps, the loop starts. You can load any of the maps individually and it is just fine. You can use any mix of custom maps and it doesnt matter. Once you load too many custom maps, the loop starts. Once I had a custom rotation that works with out causing a loop, I then added 6 stock maps. I went way past the number of maps I was running before. BUT if I add another custom map and go past the custom limit, the loop start again. Every custom map gets stuck in a download loop. I will gladly let you use my config and redirect if you would like to see this for yourself.
  4. TacTicToe

    Custom maps limit?

    Anyome? Ninja?
  5. TacTicToe

    Custom maps limit?

    There seems to be some issue with having too many custom maps. This may have always existed and I only just hit it. I have added many custom maps to my server. It used to run fine, but now after X amount of custom maps, the server gets stuck in a download loop. This is what I have done so far. *Verified map files on server and redirect are the same *Rebooted server *Broke map list down to several lines using set sv_mapRotation,set sv_mapRotation_1,set sv_mapRotation_2 *Added comment to //seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" *Run the map itself before hitting it in the rotation to verify map works properly *Added .iwd file to main folder (removed when this didnt work) I can extend the list of maps played beyond what is in the list if I add in stock maps. However once I go beyond a certain number of custom maps, it goes into that loop. It keeps redownloading the mp_mapname.iwd file. This is my rotation set sv_mapRotation "gametype war map mp_dome map mp_aerodrome map mp_firingrange_v2 map mp_highrise map mp_mw2_term map mp_karachi map mp_arkona map mp_4nuketown map mp_fatal_morgana map mp_bakaara map mp_compact map mp_inv map mp_fabrika map mp_fav map mp_overpass map mp_fallout map mp_sbase map mp_scrapyard map mp_seatown map mp_4hanoi map mp_skidrow map mp_summit map mp_swamp" set sv_mapRotation_1 "gametype war map mp_zaseda map mp_village map mp_oldschool map mp_apesgorod map mp_bacalao map mp_tchernobyl map mp_vertical map mp_castle_v1 map mp_pval map mp_vukovar map mp_hanger map mp_rundown map mp_docks map mp_tibongal map mp_i2 map mp_modern_rust map mp_fallujah map mp_arbor_day map mp_cc_night map mp_kowloon" set sv_mapRotation_2 "gametype war map mp_slick map mp_souq map mp_fregata map mp_sc_hangar map mp_lagoa_rain map mp_pripyat map mp_citi_farm map mp_ic_cod" Any ideas? If I can't figure this out, my only choice will be to run a smaller list. Error starts right after mp_village in this rotation. Thanks
  6. TacTicToe

    World at War

    I don't seem to be able to get an answer for this. Is there a chance you could/would consider making a mod for World at War like you did for CoD4? It is a newer game than CoD4 and I would really like to be able to have a ranked server with custom maps for WaW like I do for CoD4. So will you consider this request? Please? Or perhaps point me in the right direction to create something like this myself?
  7. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a server issues

    Server auto updates each time I restart the server. Nothing has changed with the setup or command line or anything like that. The last time I restarted it, it updated to the 3009 version and started scrolling that message. I reboooted the server box to see if that corrected it, it did not. For some reason there seems to be an issue with the default port. When it runs on 28960 it goes nuts. I change it to 28961 and it runs fine. I have verified that nothing is using that port, so the port does not appear to be locked or in use. I do have several IP's associated with my box, but again, nothing changed till the 3009 update. Server is online as long as I do not use the default port.
  8. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a server issues

    I am running the latest 3009 version. For some reason my server no longer runs. It goers thru the startup process normally, but then starts spamming the console in an endless loop. I have restarted several times and even rebooted my server box, but it still does it. See attached image for the error. Any ideas? Before this, server ran perfectly.
  9. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a custom server issues

    Son of a bitch! Thanks Ninja that worked! I had it set to -1 per Freaker.
  10. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a custom server issues

    Server is working now. Unfortunately I had to run a mod to make all the custom maps work. When using a blank mod folder and custom maps, I would get a huge red X in the players face for a missing texture. running just open warfare mod seems to fix that. Now for some reason, it does not appear in the master server browser. I thought it used to, and thought this server made that happen even if it was modded. I can see my server fine if I put it in my favorites list. Shows all the server info, ranked, pure, map name etc. Server appears on the iceops master server list, but not the official list. Running latest updated copy. I checked my server using a COD4 server audit. Any ideas?
  11. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a custom server issues

    Ok, I got it working!!! Yay! Thanks Ninja and all. Now I have a new problem. I do not know if it is the server or problem with the maps. There are some custom maps that give me this HUGE red X thing in my face and you cant see anything. It is not all, just some maps. And always as OpFor, never as a Marine. mp_summit is one map that comes to mind. Does anyone know of any kind of fix for this? It may just be a map issue. In that case i may need to make a mod iwd to fix it? I am currently running no mod. My mod is a blank folder. Thanks again guys!!
  12. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a custom server issues

    Ok I think I understand. It will be a ranked server, BUT it does not work with the client you released? I have to go back to the original exe for the game? Edit: Ok, seems the iw3mp.exe is not the right file. What do I have to do to un-install the CoD4X-Client? Thanks
  13. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a custom server issues

    Thanks Ninja, but that doesnt help with my problem at hand. I dont have any issues with the server appearing in the browser. It does. The problem is getting the server to run custom maps but still remain ranked. I need to know if there is a mod I can run, or will any mod work, that will allow me to run custom maps, and still appear in the browser as a ranked server and allow people to play with their ranks and loadouts like it is a ranked server. It this possible? If so, what mod should I run and what commands should I use? The current mod and commands are not allowing my server to be appear ranked.
  14. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a custom server issues

    Done and done. What does that mean? It doesnt allow me to create a ranked server using custom maps? Or should I just not use your client to play? Should I delete all the master servers from the config? Is it possible to have a ranked server, running custom maps with the CoD1.7a server or not? I'm confused now.
  15. TacTicToe

    CoD4 1.7a custom server issues

    http://openwarfaremod.com/owforum/portal.php http://www.thekillingcrew.com/downloads/OpenWarfare-CoD4MW-4.180.2482-English.zip I am wondering if this mod is causing an issue. Maybe a command is over riding what the CoD1.7a does?