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Posts posted by Duck

  1. My view... if you care about it :D

    Honestly a new map is always good, freshens up the game and adds a bit more variety.

    Take any Call of Duty as an example... why is it already stale and boring after 1 month of being available? Because everybody has played the maps a million times already and they're bored of it.

    It doesn't matter how small or boring the map is... if its new people will play it, even if it only gives enough novelty for a few games

  2. To be honest both that map and Minerun are mind-numbingly easy. If there were to be any new maps I personally would like some more challenging maps.

    Duck it just should be a fun map not a challenge map^^

    Maybe so but I find enjoyment in learning a difficult and technical map. Thats why I like maps like Easy, Dragonball, etc... Honestly after playing them so many times the easy maps are just boring. Sure a new easy map would be fun for a couple of games but it would lose its novelty very quickly. Just my opinion on the the matter.

  3. Violation: Spamming

    Server: Deathrun Server 2

    Names: miR_SergiFire! miR_SamuCoboS

    UID's: Sorry don't know

    Proof: Well you can check logs but I have a screenshot if more proof is needed

    They were also sitting at sitting at spawn on easy stopping the game from continuing

    Thanks for reading and i hope this problem can be sorted out