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  1. Andi

    Automatically pernamently banned from server

    IMO the algorithm for the keygen generator is the same that Activision actually uses, so there is the off chance that it spits out a real key if you have luck. Also yes, Steam can accidently sell a key that was used before; happened to me with Black Ops - installed the game and when prompted to give my key it said that it was already in use. Took me 2 days (+ bill + my signature on it; scanned and emailed to them) until I could play EDIT: The same btw also happened with my Crysis 2...since then I have a love-hate relationship with Steam xD
  2. Andi

    IceOps does ban for hacking ONLY?

    Well I'm no member but I was online during the whole "spectacle" and I know who the admin was. But step by step: First off you spent a bunch of time "bad-mouthing" Kenai (it is in "" because it wasn't really bad mouthing, imo you didn't insult him or anything but you just talked about how he warned you for tking and how unfair and so on and so on that was) - at this moment said admin was already online Afterwards you write x times about why IceOps doesn't ban unless there is 100% proof of hacking - after which I told you basically what Joker said above with the reverse of the situation. Then Aura joined and you got immediately all buddy-buddy with him ----> 20 min later you SUDDENLY started insulting him for no reason (if I recall right he tked you once after which you exploded, which in hindsight was probably set up by you) Then you get all grumpy about why nobody warned him for tking and started insulting him even worse. At this point (the map was District) happened the server width warning (which got immediately revoked) cuz you more or less spammed the chat with "Why am I not getting warned for insulting others like crazy?". Sorry but even as sb who didn't know your backstory with Kenai it was clear as night and day that this was a set up to test the admin - I mean you basically incarnated an attention whore. I am like 100% sure, if this wasn't so see-through from the very beginning, you would have gotten mutiple warnings or even a tb for your insults - as it was, not giving you any attention at all maybe wasn't the best course of action but better than just blindly do what you wanted him to do. And let's face it: be happy that you didn't get all those warnings at a bunch later or you couldn't play right now About this : Banning people wrongly is more than just an "Oops, sorry"-thingy that can be solved by the unban command - playing on a server is also always an express of trust; all of the servers I have in my favs are servers on which I'm 100% sure I won't get banned without a valid reason. Once you get falsely banned this trust starts dwindling at a rapid rate for multiple reasons: 1. If you got banned falsely once it can happen again, especially with newer clan members who didn't know you for very long 2. People who were online at the time of your ban (assuming it was while you played) will know that you got banned but unless they look here in the forum they won't know that you are unbanned - people WILL suspect you of banhopping and naturally put any kill in the "he is hacking" drawer -> even if you can convince them that you got unbanned people will always question your skill or even the abilities of the admins who unbanned a hacker. 3th ongoing the bunch of reasons the other guys posted in here ;-)
  3. Andi

    WHer on your TDM Hardcore server

    So he was on once more today and once more I made some demos. This time I think they are way better ;-) As you can see there was another clan member of FaZe online aswell...well I have demos of him but those aren't 100% clear so I will refrain from opening a new thread for him. But then another guy joined named Poklici za fuge and he was pretty friendly with Caperrr so I watched him and see there he has wh,too. Unfortunately once he joined the server had over 20 players and it once again became impossible to claim anything...just one thing: I did a little experiment on Downpour while Caperrr and Rain were in my team and hid myself with uav jammer and dead silence while not killing anyone -> Poklici za fuge found me again and again and only he did... I just want to call attention to the other 2 if anybody sees them online while there are less people on
  4. Andi

    WHer on your TDM Hardcore server

    That is precisely the problem...I had to spec him half a map before I was even certain that he was cheating and then as said; Showdown is a bad map for catching cheaters as it is symmetrical so one can guess quite easy where the enemies spawn even without UAV. Well here are the other 2 demos I have from him. Once again plenty of suspicious movements (especially his little tour with the SAW in the second one), but imo no hard proof as you said there were way to many ppl on. But fact is: from the moment he joined people called him hacker and quite many of those players were rather good as well and usually don't randomly call hacker. Little anecdote: Originally instead of posting it here I wanted to call a certain dutch admin beginning with min and ending with qkel...but for some reason he was afk in XFire
  5. Player's name: FaZe CaPeRRR GUID: 5f12b0da Server: IceOps Team Hardcore HighXP Approximate time: I guess from 14:00 on today Proof: See the demos Well the second demo is on Showdown, which is imo a shitty map for catching cheaters. If this is not enough I have some more demos from Showdown ;-)
  6. Andi

    Room player on obs server is a pro?

    Indeed, yesterday shortly before he left (to go to bed as he said -.-) he even changed his nick to Root, so I can see him using other peoples names for cheating... Honestly it is getting ridiculous with him.