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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Jeff

    Jeff's appeal

    I prefire more spots than others. Plus its pub, I don't prefire specific spots
  2. Jeff

    Jeff's appeal

    Can you tell me what is obvious about me? If it just because I prefire almost every spot. That doesn't mean im "obvious". It just means im checking.
  3. Jeff

    Jeff's appeal

  4. Jeff

    Jeff's appeal

    The irony is that I don't wallhack... If you want I can make a youtube video and explain all of the parts what look dodgy... as savior said I had been talking to him about my cod experience and I am free to answer any questions that you may have (e.g. playtime, lan/tournament experience etc.)
  5. Jeff

    Jeff's appeal

    1. Your nickname Cymatic|Jeff 2. Server you got banned on Iceops | Team Promod Live 3. Your UID (will show up when you try joining the server) 1ab45898 4. Admin UID (will show up when you try joining the server) It doesnt say 5. Ban reason (bans for cheating will NOT get lifted) It was for supposed wallhack but if you tell me what parts of the demo look obvious, I can explain them 6. Short information about what happened (what you did and what you did not, remember all of this can be verified in the server logs) Savior was spectating me, Through two maps, Crash and Shipment. People had called me out for cheating but had no hard evidence. I can promise you now, I do not cheat. Ask Vinnyy', I know he is only 1 admin but he knows me. I am a good player. If you want, I will record a demo every single time I join the server