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Everything posted by sudana

  1. sudana

    Disable perks mod

    but it changes bullet damages etc right? and server detect as a moded one I also opened a thread Here Still no luck
  2. sudana

    Disable perks mod

    Have you ever tried that before? B3 and manuadminmod just parsing the log file (by reading cod logs and identifying whats going on). unfortunately cod4 doesn't write juggernaut damages to log files which is why impossible to detect Juggernauts to bigbrotherbot.
  3. sudana

    Disable perks mod

    And openwafre changes the whole game ruleset and graphics of the game right? Can I just extract only the disable perks part from the openwafare mod? or is there any skeleton stock mod files to download that changes nothing? so I can replace only that perks part to that sample stock files (and I still have no clue how to extract that part, may be in z_openwarfare.iwd\weapons\mp)
  4. sudana

    can't start COD4 server

    did you check free disk space / memory / gamelog?
  5. sudana

    Call of Duty 4 Punkbuster Linux server files

    @Volarific download pb setup from and try to find cod4 in gamelist on pb setup. and you won't find! because pb is no longer supporting to cod4. they officially stopped supporting and you can ask from pb supports if you don't believe me. They will tell you pb is no longer support for cod4 and you should ask it from activision. I have cod4 in my steam, and they don't provide pb setup for cod.
  6. Howdy IceOps, Please help me, I want to Identify a mod that running on this server: ***removed by sudana*** They have disabled many noob perks like Granade launcher, juggernaut, marty. and they are displaying a notice board that showing their Rules. I just wanted to know which mod is it running on that server. I asked from them but they aren't replying. can you guys help me? I really appreciate your help. Please go and check it out ---> ***removed by sudana***
  7. sudana

    Disable perks mod

    Can anyone tell me how to disable power perks like GL Marty Juggernaut using a simple mod?