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About ishanka

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  1. ishanka

    can't start COD4 server

    thank you all.. it was the memory..i freed up the memory by disabling some processes & now it works fine..
  2. ishanka

    can't start COD4 server

    ---bump--- nedd help immediately
  3. ishanka

    can't start COD4 server

    when i type "/home/newuser/cod4/cod4_lnxded +set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 0 +set sv_maxclients 16 +set fs_game mods/knightz +set fs_homepath /home/newuser/cod4 +exec server.cfg +map_rotate" it just display 'killed'
  4. ishanka

    can't start COD4 server

    hey i am using linux vps. i ran the cod4 server for last few days. but now i can't start the server. message shows up saying 'KILLED' any help to fix this?
  5. ishanka

    2 cod4 servers in 1 vps

    hello there, i'm running a cod4 promod server on my vps... and i want to run a TDM cod4 server in the same vps.. how can i do that? i changed the port of the 2nd sever to 28961 and ran cod_lnxded..but not displays a message as 'killed'... any help?
  6. ishanka

    GameRanger Plugin

    is there a way to add my game to GAMERANGER? from like a plug in? or anyother way? my cod4 server is on my vps running debian 7 wheezy.
  7. ishanka

    Direct link to download tar/zip

    THANK YOU ALL..... I AM RUNNING MY OWN SERVER NOW... but i want to know that is there a way to add GameRanger plugin to my cod server? it's on a vps running debian wheezy.
  8. ishanka

    Direct link to download tar/zip

    hey guys, i wanted cod4 game files & server files.. i have found a link and downloaded them.. now i am running the server...but the problem is, how can i run a mod like "promod"??? i have tried this command -" ./cod4_lnxded exec server.cfg +set fs_game mods/knightz +set sv_punkbuster 0 +set dedicated 2 +sv_authorizemode 0 " ...but it is not working.. the only working command is," ./cod4_lnxded exec server.cfg +map mp_crash " ps:im a newbie to linux and this kind of things.
  9. i want a link to directly download the zip/tar file of COD4 multiplayer only to my VPS.. can anybody give me a link pleaseeeee??????