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Everything posted by DampSpud

  1. DampSpud

    Banned for 'Hacking/Cheating'

    Got it thanks. Just thought I would update this, I went to the website you linked me Ninja and filled that out, they sent me to PB to do another ticket so don't know how long it will take but I waited the 137 minutes and hopped back onto the server and this happened again - http://gyazo.com/6990ec7ad0407798b710fcc84cb70d33
  2. DampSpud

    Banned for 'Hacking/Cheating'

    No Duck not needed. DampSpud I have a hot link for you: http://www.ggc-stream.net/tisy/ticket/write-banappeal is it ? At least there is your ban. Thank you for the link I will fill it out but one thing, I don't know my GUID :? what should I do ?
  3. DampSpud

    Banned for 'Hacking/Cheating'

    1. Your nickname: DampSpud or Rawrmedinosaurz 2. Server you got banned on: Iceops Team High XP 3. Your UID (will show up when you try joining the server): I can't seem to find it or see it when I try reconnect 4. Admin UID (will show up when you try joining the server): Same as above 5. Ban reason (will show up when you try joining the server): Punkbuster kicked player 'RaWrMeNoDino' (for 104 minutes)... prior Kick/Ban 6. Ban length (will show up when you try joining the server) 137 minutes was what it was originally I believe. 7. Short information about what happened (what you did and what you did not, remember all of this can be verified in the server logs) : What I did was play my normal game of cod, I would like to think I am an above average player who gets good scores on Iceops almost every game so I would think my aim is quick (3.5 in game sens with 3200 dpi on mouse) and on point once warmed up. I did NOT Hack or Cheat or Aimbot or anything like that, I simply played my normal game of cod and I wasn't even doing great the game I got kicked in (18-4 or something like that). From what I seen some guy was moaning about a hacker or something like that and then soon I got a vote to kick against me from him I believe and bamn kicked and banned for 2 minutes at first so I waited and re joined then it happened again but this time I think it was around the 137 minute mark. I would just like to say I done nothing wrong and I was not hacking or cheating as if you look at my scores over my time on this server, I have no need for hacks or cheats. Thanks for reading.