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Everything posted by IJzzo

  1. IJzzo

    Little tweak for HC server

    I think Leiizko did that so players do faster level up. And players demanded it unfortunately. I don't know about today but I guess the situation hasn't changed too much. On the other hand there exists so many HighXP servers now so it does maybe not matter so much anymore. What do you think @leiizko?
  2. IJzzo

    Report for .

    Where is a proof section? Explain more please.
  3. About the maps: Well we have selected those ones by community feedback just few weeks ago. The feedback we got by counting the number of players leaving the server after a specific map gets started. So maps which caused too much leaving got removed from the rotation. So I am not sure if it is smart yet to change anything on the map rotation. Although I know it sucks but many are obviously preferring this boring map rotation.
  4. IJzzo

    S&D - Change gametype/map VOTE

    Does it also allow you to call such a vote? Just having this in menu does not mean server will allow it.
  5. IJzzo

    Ban appeal for NENENENENENENENE

    Probably but weird it shows only a single player.
  6. IJzzo

    Ban appeal for Kuros

    And such a bullet proof evidence means you could spend your time better than with this ban appeal.
  7. IJzzo

    Ban appeal for Kuros

    But there is still one big coincidence. Your IP address you are using on our forum is also assigned to the same country as the country of the banned player.
  8. IJzzo

    Hello Alireza. O_o

  9. IJzzo

    Merry Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas to everyone. Good luck with the new year.
  10. IJzzo


    I have reenabled unlimited free round plugin (Which I don't know why it got disabled at all). End game map voting was reenabled. I hope this helps for population onto the server.
  11. IJzzo


    Well it is maybe repaired now. However I don't know it since I don't have someone available who will test it with me.
  12. IJzzo


    Indeed, looks like it works only for the first player who connected. I will attempt to fix that asap.
  13. IJzzo


    Razer Cortex is a good example for using up and leaking RAM without showing up as these. It has a process RZKLservice.exe which is a stealthy ram eater. If it is something else you have to kill all processes one by one and see if the ram gets freed up. If not you have possible some kind of malware like a hypervisor rootkit installed.
  14. Hey, du mal wieder hier?

    1. Fa!l3r-Ger*


      So weit ists bei dir also schon; also vermutlich wirst du dein Ergebnis mittlerweile haben. Wie ist's ausgefallen? :)

      Ja bin ich auch noch. Seit Juli letzten Jahres habe ich in die Offizierslaufbahn gewechselt und hatte seit dem viele Lehrgänge. Ab Oktober komme ich dann erstmal nach München, auch studieren und dann geht's in vier bis fünf Jahren endlich wieder in die Truppe. Das eine Jahr Lehrgänge kommt mir schon so vor als wären es zehn. Ich überlebe die nächsten vier Jahre wohl nicht. :D

    2. IJzzo


      Ja habe ich seit Mittwoch. Sehr gut ist es fuer mich ausgefallen (Note:1.3).

      Machst du schon und ueberlebst du auch, so lange man dich nicht fuer einen Kampfeinsatz einberuft.

    3. Fa!l3r-Ger*


      *Hust* Streber *Hust* :whistling::D

      Glückwunsch :) Und wie geht's jetzt weiter für dich?


      Das Studium ist für mich auch nur ein Mittel zum Zweck. Mein Ziel ist es Offizier zu werden und der Dienstherr möchte, dass Offiziere der Bundeswehr studiert haben. Da muss ich das Studium wohl oder übel in Kauf nehmen. :D

      Kampfeinsätze wirds für mich wohl die nächsten Jahre keine geben. Bin ja jetzt akademisch gebunden und noch kein fertig ausgebildeter militärischer Führer. Nur im V-Fall, der allerdings hoffentlich nie eintreten wird. :S

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Hey hey, long time not seen you xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IJzzo


      Yes indeed. There was still B3 installed, that must be so long long time ago xD

    3. SpaceMarine


      I played cod 4 back in 2010 2011 2012 so yea long ago. btw why is every single cod 4 server(not just iceops) modded with the cod4x, making everyone run super fast like flash and more killstreaks? Normal cod too stale for the new generations X/?

    4. IJzzo


      Serveradmin make their servers "fast". It is a setting they set to high values "g_speed".

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  16. IJzzo

    Staff Update! IMPORTANT

    Thank you @Aquiz for all of your effort you have done for this community. And of course good luck with you study things.
  17. IJzzo


    Same opinion. However you can not really prevent that. But this forum software lets even do people that without database access and it needs not an IQ higher than 80. I still remember on previous forum software called Woltlab Burning Board it was not possible to read the private messages of other people. However the admin Ares wanted to install a plugin in the forum which would have enabled him exactly to do that. I was not happy about it and it didn't happen I guess.
  18. IJzzo


    Well he got too many permissions and maxed them out as you can imagine. He most likely has got the permission by accident to login as a different user without knowing the password. He posted with other people accounts and he did read private messages on forum from people who thought that could be interesting. On that way he sniffed also some more passwords which did enable him to do basically everything.
  19. IJzzo

    Predator Glitch

    I can access it but not share or give files to anyone. The other point is however idk if he ever comes back to (CoD4)gaming. He didn't talk to me for a half year soon.
  20. IJzzo

    Predator Glitch

    I can not send you it. That is the problem.
  21. IJzzo

    Predator Glitch

    The big problem is the whole mod is NNJ's privacy nobody should ever see copy, whatever... Better is to install something else here instead.
  22. IJzzo

    Ban appeal for LazyBoy

    Well no it isn't!
  23. IJzzo

    Ban appeal for LazyBoy

    Okay you are unbanned. However don't try to cheat again - if you attempted it. You will be easy caught and then never ever unbanned again.
  24. IJzzo

    Ban appeal for LazyBoy

    He is not banned with the legacy system. And I can not find him on Sourcebans.
  25. IJzzo

    Ban appeal for LazyBoy

    Issue is just to unban him. He is in the old system. Not the new one.