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Everything posted by IJzzo

  1. IJzzo


    Nope. cl_packetdup 0 Is to prefer usually. To send 5 packets doesnt help to reduce latency. It is only helpfully if you really have packetloss. Otherwise it will just limit the amount of client commands you can send each second.
  2. IJzzo

    PLX HELP or something like that.

    Oh of course it can let the computer crash if GPU overheats. Up to 100°C is no problem for most GPUs but above 110°C it is really critical.
  3. IJzzo


    It has nothing to do with your computer. The only solution I see at the moment is to swap to another ISP. Unfortunately some ISPs outside Europe have operate high latency connections. If your ISP has more than one choice (2 lines he can pass the connection through to Europe it is random but fixed which one gets used for a defined IP-Subnet. If it is the high latency connection... Okay 3 options you have: 1st reconnect your modem (in case you get a different ip-address by doing this). If you get an own IP-Address from a different subnet it can help that also the connection has the lower latency. 2nd Asking the ISP to change his routing table (if he can do so) so that you get lower latency to the IP of our new server. The same latency like to our old server must be possible ad the stay quite close to each other. I think it won't do anything as the will probably not do this on behalf of a single customer. Our IPs: old new 3rd You change your ISP. Before you do this it is better to find somehow out which IP-Subnets they assign to their customers as we can check the latency with this knowledge. So that are the options you have. We unfortunately we can't change something on this as my contract got dismissed from providerside and we were forced to get a new server. We can also not know who get positive affected and who negative when we get a new server.
  4. IJzzo

    Banned for insult?

    I'm not responsible for this number.
  5. IJzzo

    Forever Alone

  6. IJzzo

    I am leaving the clan

    You are not alone this this minQkel. I forget too. That's why he is here in IceOps Frosty
  7. IJzzo

    I am leaving the clan

    Thank you Rocky for telling all the secrets to ÆON. You ...
  8. IJzzo

    Banned for skins? - Mar. 28 2013

    Also we operate a so called "pure" server. If you need that go to an impure server. There it is allowed.
  9. IJzzo

    Banned for skins? - Mar. 28 2013

    Just to tell you we rate this as a gamehack. And this is not allowed here and don't require an extra rules which forbidds modelhacks.
  10. IJzzo


    The fnrp-admins should ask me if they need it. Maybe they have Windows servers, then it is not working at all.
  11. IJzzo

    why this? :(

    Haha you and math... We know!
  12. IJzzo

    IceOps server rules

    Don't you even think about removing my grenade launcher! Yeah of course But I keep mine
  13. IJzzo

    My ban appeal

    You have to ask Frosty now.
  14. IJzzo

    May I Ask this?

    It did crash our server so...
  15. Doesn't matter kelm. Because in the end is still one guy left. If one guy is left from the roundstart or not doesn't matter.
  16. I don't like the rat-type maps
  17. IJzzo

    Banned for saying penis?

  18. IJzzo

    IceOps server rules

    We have no such stupid rule. It was preinstalled with B3.
  19. IJzzo

    I honestly don't get it

    Cracked and not cracked ? Wtf. The CDKEY is stored in Windows registry.
  20. IJzzo

    Lag Swiching

    Of course we don't permit lag-switches. It can be seen as some kind of cheating. But can we know if that is always a lagswitch ? Hazard it can affect the game negatively. You can fool the activator if you use a lagswitch.
  21. IJzzo


  22. IJzzo

    What server 2 is becoming

    We have voting enabled on Softcore / Hardcore server. It getting abused regularly.
  23. IJzzo

    New clan members last months.

    Whole Iceops became already that.
  24. IJzzo

    New clan members last months.

    Wrong thread bro. I would recommend you to take the time to find out how to post a proper application thread. Also I recommend to take the time to make sure that your spelling is correct.