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Everything posted by IJzzo

  1. IJzzo

    No More Suicide As Activator

    Doesn't get punished at all. If the map offers that ability either remove the map or accept it. And changing falldamage has bad consequences on some maps indeed. [I did die on purpose on some maps too by jumping off ^^]
  2. cargoship was inside basegame. So patches won't fix it.
  3. He has to get it from CoD4 CD and put it into /zone/english If you have got CoD4 from Steam then there is "Verify the gamecache".
  4. IJzzo

    Report for Dynasty Extinct

    Huch? How can you ban someone for ******? If he really writes ****** you ban him too?
  5. IJzzo

    Report for red green black

    It is not so clear for me if he has fallen off something or pressed B42. There are few maps where you can die without pressing B42.
  6. Play Softcore or Counterstrike if the spray spray does remove the needed skill. However in Counterstrike you don't run around like this. You will not hit anything there when moving like this.
  7. IJzzo

    Scott's Report on myself

    Ark server has no pp.
  8. IJzzo

    1.7a server linux don't work

    xbase17_00.iwd Also you are using a version you should no longer use.
  9. IJzzo

    1.7a server linux don't work

    You have to copy the file included in /main
  10. IJzzo

    [FBI] Agdayne advertising

    Well when I open the console I have automatic a ^. So you can't say it like that. And when not connected to a server there is no \ needed to invoke a command. Good possible he had no intention to show that to chat.
  11. IJzzo

    HH Advertising

    permanent ban please.
  12. IJzzo

    can't find COD4x server files

    Why can't you download? You need email without spam filter.
  13. IJzzo

    WARNING: CoD4x17a Servers

    at cod4x.me is an update available to fix that now.
  14. IJzzo

    WARNING: CoD4x17a Servers

    On CoD4X17A servers it is very important to either disable/remove/deactivate the autoupdate or compile it from sourcecode. As an alternative you can upgrade your servers to Cod4x18. Do not ignore this message. Ignoring results in compromised servers. Please also share this message with other cod4-server admins.
  15. IJzzo

    WARNING: CoD4x17a Servers

    Full control over the target system can be possible.
  16. IJzzo

    Sign in with Steam

    That plugin: https://webflake.sx/files/file/2717-sign-in-through-steam/ you copy the .php file to the right place. Install the .xml from plugin installer. Then you have to configure login methods. Configure Steam. For Steam you have to enter the web api key you can get maybe from here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey It is fairly simple and should just work
  17. IJzzo

    New game

    We had a DayZ epoch mod server. It was dead after few days.
  18. IJzzo

    1.7a and 1.8

    Idk know link. You have to compile them on your own I guess.
  19. IJzzo

    1.7a and 1.8

    idk. For 1.8 we are not so far to have official plugin support.
  20. IJzzo

    [Offer Ended]Fractured Space free!

    It said "bought" for me. Anyway thanks for letting us know.
  21. IJzzo

    Game Giveaway's

    Congraz Association
  22. IJzzo

    1.7a and 1.8

    No Linux only .so files
  23. IJzzo

    1.7a and 1.8

    Doesn't work to rename them.
  24. IJzzo

    Report on NonStop

    Hello cheater! Your guid: 47c2460fe8fea2b9b1903888551594cf It is better you admit your mistake because no one will believe you otherwise. Chances for an unban are 0.00000% Also you are the 1st one who has the cheek to appeal a ban for cheating when we are 100.000000% sure you cheat.