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Posts posted by FATAR

  1. Well yes gameranger does scan and I found out the IP. Ninja I moved my the server I was running GR onto a different location and now im getting a error.

    Plugin's OnInit executed successfully! ^1Error: This plugin might not be compatible with this server version! Requested plugin handler version: 2.200, server's plugin handler version: 2.300. Unloading the plugin...


    You're using an outdated version of GR plugin. Get the latest one from Ninja.

  2. Error: Please obtain a valid subscription for this GameRanger account (******** MY ID) you try to connect with gameranger plugin

    Error: Please contact icoN.Voltron with GameRanger ID 1402852 for renewing

    Gameranger plugin isn't free. Obtain a sub from voltron.

  3. If you want DDoS protection, go for OVH or Softlayer servers. (Looks like IceOps servers are also from OVH :P )

    To protect rcon against brute force, make it at least 8 characters long with random text. Most brute force attacks use dictionaries of known words so it will become useless if you choose random words/numbers.

  4. if you've downloaded modtools try going cod4 directory>raw>maps>mp>gametypes and you'll find all the stock scripts, if you don't have them files, you can easily grab them from here https://github.com/Call-of-Duty-Scripts/CoD4MW/tree/master/raw/maps/mp/gametypes some have already been edited with some bug fixes and such... and make sure the directory is maps>mp>gametypes and place all your scripts in gametypes.

    So your _07.iwd file will look something like this, from left to right


    For small res users - http://gyazo.com/55a8e3e82a041ffeff4590b568d92551.png

    then you upload it to your main folder on your server.

    Thanks for your answer. Helped me a lot!

  5. Too hard to explain since the program itself is complex.

    See if this http://www.morkeye.co.uk/help/index.html?alt_pbucon_startup_mode.htm

    or this http://www.morkeye.co.uk/morkeye.pdf

    would help.

    What I found after some research is that Morkeye uses the pbucon feature to scan profane words in chats,scans for bind using the bindsrch feature & can kick for spamming. It can't scan for scripts/pressing of keys in the clientside. What the anti roccat servers(Gametracker link) have is a server side script which gets triggered if someone presses shift and forward slash 3 times. That trigger causes the client to do a auto chat with a specific code. Morkeye captures that auto chat and it matches with the predefined banned word list and kicks.

    The other anti cheat scripts for example the ar51 anti aimbot & anti no recoil scripts are built with the same principal.

    You can check AR51 kevinos' Xfire videos .