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Posts posted by Powers!!!

  1. 1. What type of a rule break are you reporting:* Spamming incessantly

    2. Server:* Deathrun #2

    3. Approximate time: Almost everytime when he's online

    4. Player's name:* Momoske , 0070's|JoKeR

    5. Player's GUID or UID: -

    6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs):* Attachments

    7. Please describe what happened:* These two players were spamming a lot despite repeated complaints and requests for them to stop. Furthermore they were comments like " Fuck you mr activator " etc which are just the cherry on the cake. Specially momoske spams almost everytime he is online, although each time it's a different spam which I believe is a testament to his ability and mastery of the English language with each phrase being the most well thought out and meticulously crafted set of words that make Shakespeare turn in his grave.

  2. So the weirdest thing is happening to me.

    All of a sudden whenever I try to join a deathrun / obscurity server in general , my game says ' Synchronizing game settings' and then it keeps saying that for 2-3 mins and then times out? I cant join any deathrun / obvs server

    I can connect to normal servers like the Ice Ops hc server or another SnD server I play on.

    I tried re-installing , deleting mods , disabling firewall etc etc. Nothing yet This happened all of a sudden.

    Does anyone know what might be the problem or how to fix it? If i have to call my isp , then what do I have to tell them? Some help would be appreciated :(

  3. 1. lol molester player xD

    2. We would need a little more information than that.

    Like which server?

    Also , do you have any screenshots proving that said player is guilty? Some sort of proof is required before taking actions against rule breaking players ( obviously ) , so next time use some software to take a screenshot of him insulting you / voting you out.

    If no software is available to you , just press PrintScreen / PrtScn button on your keyboard , go to paint , right click -> paste , then save the image and upload it.

    Thank you for reporting a player , we appreciate your help ;)

  4. Cool man, thanks for the feedback.

    In regards to the evidence I did not "demo" him since I have been told by Queench that you guys have demos from the promod server which you can find by using the GUID.

    I will however demo him next time I see him, because I like catching hackers in the act. May their pixels be few and their keyboards break.

    Well yes, we can see the demos but if the player has been playing for like half an hour , we really don't wanna sit through 15-20 mins of normal gameplay and then some evidence if you know what I mean.

    We will do it if necessary though.

  5. The moderators will keep an eye on this player , but if you see him and no moderators are online , try to get some proof like a video / screenshot

    that he is hacking.

    On the other hand what you can do is, when he is online ,

    • Open console
    • Type /record
    • Go to spectator mode and spectate the player that you think is hacking.
    • After you see him doing a few suspicious actions or obvious hacking , open console again and type /stoprecord
    • Now go to your Call of Duty 4 Main folder ( For steam version it's in Local Drive -> Steam / SteamLibrary -> SteamApps -> common -> Call of Duty 4
    • In the main folder , you will find a folder called Mods
    • In that folder , you will find a folder called iceops_promod ( For the promod server)
    • In that folder , you will find a folder called demos
    • Now in your case , there will be a file called demo0000.dm_1 ( Assuming that you have never recorded a demo on Ice Ops Promod server)
    • If you have , then right click in the demos folder -> Sort By -> Date Modified / Ascending -> Select the last file ( It will be in the format demoxxxx.dm_1 )
    • Now once you have that demo file , upload it on this thread as proof of the player hacking ( It has to be sufficient proof , there cannot be any ambiguity )

    If that is sufficient proof , then we will see to it that the player is banned.

    Thank you for reporting hackers , keep up the honest work ;)

  6. again nah...for me it is 5....trust me! and i played the last 60 minutes cod4 and afterwards i red your post (2 times)...lemme say 5 minutes...followed by my answer (another 5 minutes)...to put it in a nutshell: 60 minutes --> 5*[hanging around] vs. 10 minutes--> (0,2*[hanging around]+0,15*[hanging around])/2= 0,175. The result is: Iam pretty happy atm!

    Well as long as you are happy you are decreasing ur mid life crisis successfully :3

  7. nah...let me explain: if u define a fun-scale with the adjustment 1="hanging around and doing nothing": reading this topic is 0,2*[hanging around] and playing COD4 is 5*[hanging around]. And i wanna decrease my midlife crisis, so i try to avoid actions <1.

    Well considering the topic is pretty much useless , replying to my message is 0,15*[doing nothing] and if that is the scale you consider then surely playing cod4 will be around 3*[hanging around] and not a 5. Taking that into consideration , your aggregate actions amount to about (3,25)/3 ~ 1.1 which is dangerously close to 1*[hanging around and doing nothing]. All in all your objective of keeping your actions >1*[avoiding midlife crisis] is barely being maintained since your actions and your objective barely differ by 0,07 which is about what your reply to this message would be worth if you choose to reply. Mind you then your aggregate would be (3,32)/4 ~ 0.83 which would mean you would fail your objective. So basically if you reply to this message , you will fail ( that is if your objective does NOT permit ±fluctuations ). Taking an aggregate at the end of your life/whatever age you define as the end of the middle of your life will be tough but if that's what you are going for , then choose your actions carefully.

  8. Cold is that we believed until 2 days ago to having an alliance with I-G. Just 2 days ago we had to learn from NNJ that he did born a (for us new) clan called icE although we had an alliance with I-G we got not any information about it.

    I was trying to make a pun omg xD

  9. Thank you for bringing this to attention.

    I seldom play on the softcore server but I will see to it that I'm more active on it.

    Again feel free to add me on xfire - kickasspanda1997 ( the more the merrier )

    P.S My time zone is GMT +5:30

  10. I'm just busy when you're online which is like earlier in the day, i'm more active around evening time my time (eastern U.S)

    Well that's around 7 or 8 am for me :'(

    And I'm mostly busy from 6 am to 11 or 12 am/pm

  11. 1. Throwing knives is ok

    2. Bunnyhop , GOD NO

    3. RTD I've got mixed opinions but I'm leaning against it

    4. Shop... well if someone is getting most of the kills , this will only tip the entire game in their favour making it unfair. Exchanging xp for lives is fine though.

    5. I don't think there's any need to introduce a system of monetary exchange ( with points) in a mod which is more about completing an obstacle course.

    6. Anti hardscope? I'm sorry but that is literally the stupidest idea I've heard.