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Everything posted by Lossy

  1. Lossy

    COD4 Deathrun Promod view?

    I don't follow? Are these new kind of game graphics settings that's in promod only or are these cod4 stock settings in promod that are easier to change in promod?
  2. Lossy

    COD4 Deathrun Promod view?

    What's promod view o.0?
  3. Lossy

    plugin problems CoD4 b3 bigbrothert bot

    He doesn't need to give us that kind of information, the b3 logs will tell us what's wrong as explained. if something like wrong rcon password was put in, it will give that error in the log. I have no idea why you're asking for this kind of information. Specially what mod/gametype because that does not matter unless he's trying to add his own custom commands for that mod.
  4. Lossy

    No iwd files found in /main?

    Also not good to home host a server either
  5. Lossy

    High jump cammand need help COD4

    at least people don't copy ya menu design yet ;p
  6. Lossy

    WARNING: CD-Key stealing CoD4 servers.

    you sent it to me on xfire of your OWN one
  7. Lossy

    High jump cammand need help COD4

    You can use cheat dvars in scripts without cheats being enabled.
  8. Lossy

    High jump cammand need help COD4

  9. Lossy

    High jump cammand need help COD4

    you have to do it via scripts, devmap enable cheats for everyone.
  10. Then add admin auth protection like logins or don't host a cracked server
  11. Lossy

    How add bots on redirect_mod

    Then there no need for bots, as long as people know the ip address they can use the redirect to connect to it, the mod doesn't require bots to work.
  12. Lossy

    How add bots on redirect_mod

    Why should we tell you this? So you can add loads of fake servers to the server browser so people think there players in your server but really it just redirects them to your real server? Please GTFO with this shit, every server hoster that does this kind of crap ruins the point of even having a server browser in CoD4!!!
  13. Lossy

    WARNING: CD-Key stealing CoD4 servers.

    That's the difference between me and you, I don't bring personal matters to it, matter of fact, i don't have anything personal against you, it's the other way round. I have my reasons why I think you aren't clean from this and you have some involve moment in the cd-key stealing otherwise you would of tried to get rid of it. The same reason why i think everyone who had access to the scripts and known about it for ages aren't clean from this. Oh and i actually started talking about 3xp cd stealing back in feb to NNJ and he's the one that busted 3xp =) but i sent this after sachael sent it to me saying you stole some one cd key from 3xp server to give to dobbin(which i doubt is true or not because sachael isn't much of a reliable source to be honest) but there other reasons of that before sachael sent me the keygen.
  14. Lossy

    WARNING: CD-Key stealing CoD4 servers.

    Why report 3xp server for botting if wingzor the one that's botting it to get it banned from GT? I'm not going to report 3xp server because some one going to leave anyway to startup another clan. Proof it's wingzor doing it
  15. Lossy

    WARNING: CD-Key stealing CoD4 servers.

    @kelm I'm not saying what he says is true, is was more your word vs his word kinda thing but like i said, i've had my suspicion for awhile and i even mentioned it to NNJ Anyway, thanks for posting evidence Ninja
  16. Lossy

    WARNING: CD-Key stealing CoD4 servers.

    How can we prove that they are stealing CD-Keys? I've known that they 'might' of been stealing CD-keys for awhile but could never prove it and from what i read there no clear evidence I even asked one of 3xp admins and he said they aren't and even told me how to avoid stealing CD-Keys Here the PM I'm not trying to defend them, i think it's better to post the evidence that they are apart from some clientcmd errors where they have anti-cheat protection that does dvar checking (from what they say)
  17. Lossy

    Modifying the limits of some things?

    As ninja said, make sure you aren't precache menus multiple times, also try not to add every single stock menu to your mod(they take up hell a lot of assets) But I'm not sure how you manage to hit a menu limit on CoDjumer, i've made custom menus for for CJ and i have yet to hit 15 menus and i'll probably only hit about 20 menus altogether lol But we're just guessing until you post your menus scripts(precaching it), mod.csv and what's inside your menus - this will help us narrow down the problem. Edit: also on my death run edit, i've only hit 22 menus and it's fully custom menus, so the only way i can think of you hitting something like this is precaching menus mulitple times and your friends using every single multiple stock menu.
  18. Lossy

    attack ddos

    It's impossible to block A DDoS attack depending on the size, unless you want to block all incoming traffic(which means legit users can't connect either). There ways to block it, e.g migrate traffic, setup firewall etc... this will help prevent a ddos attack to a certain point but if you do get one, expect your servers to lag now a bit till you sort out the ddos attack if you can. But I'm not some server engineer wizard, don't rely on my comment. All i know is that it's impossible to block one. Like they say, bigger they are, harder they fall. =)
  19. Lossy

    Welcome message

    Old game means they don't give a shit if you're cheating on it. 7/10 games on CoD4/CoD WaW you'll end up with some one teleporting you to a certain location to spawn kill you all or something like that
  20. Lossy

    Post Your Best Kills/Score Records!

    very old screen but meh, gotta show off as well :>
  21. Lossy

    Welcome message

    The error explains itself, in the _rank.gsc it's trying to call something from another gsc which appears to be _hud.gsc calling a function from it known as "fontPulse();" but it's missing, so therefor it can't find it and it's causing that error you've just posted, re-add that function back into the _hud.gsc and the error will fix itself. - That's the easy way. Otherwise you'll have to edit the _rank.gsc and fix the error (which i do not suggest unless you have reason to edit the xp display you get when killing people/capping objects etc...) The default fontPulse function fontPulse(player) { self notify ( "fontPulse" ); self endon ( "fontPulse" ); player endon("disconnect"); player endon("joined_team"); player endon("joined_spectators"); scaleRange = self.maxFontScale - self.baseFontScale; while ( self.fontScale < self.maxFontScale ) { self.fontScale = min( self.maxFontScale, self.fontScale + (scaleRange / self.inFrames) ); wait 0.05; } while ( self.fontScale > self.baseFontScale ) { self.fontScale = max( self.baseFontScale, self.fontScale - (scaleRange / self.outFrames) ); wait 0.05; } } Default hud.gsc
  22. Lossy

    Welcome message

    Modded lobbys, you can do it on xbox as well, it's pretty much what killed the older cod's on console. Source: i use to host modded lobbys on console and made my self a prestige that doesn't exist aka prestige 11th :> Anyway, how do you expect us to give you something if it's on the consoles and we don't know what mod menu it is, if you've got the .ff file to the mod menu, you can decompile it and rip the scripts from it(unless there a PC version to it, which most do have if they are the legit owner of the mod menu) and implant them on your server which i doubt you'll try and do, but it's always good to let people know.
  23. Lossy

    Post Your Best Kills/Score Records!

    or he plays on that res for more FPS :>