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About ar51kevinos

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  1. ar51kevinos

    exploit on your 1.7a?

    Hello iceops team, A people on xfire sent this to me I can not send private messages on your website, permission denied. I would like more information about this is the message ty
  2. ar51kevinos

    How to get Deathrun plugins now? :O

    All plugins & maps deathrun : Plugins 24 : Maps 202:
  3. ar51kevinos

    Welcome message

    init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); if( isdefined( player.pers["player_welcomed"] ) ) return; player.pers["player_welcomed"] = true; player thread onSpawnPlayer(); } } onSpawnPlayer() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); self waittill( "spawned_player" ); self.msgactive = 1; self thread madebyduff( 800, 1, -1, "^5Welcome " + ); self thread madebyduff( 800, 1, 1, "^5Welcome " + ); } madebyduff( start_offset, movetime, mult, text ) { start_offset *= mult; hud = schnitzel( "center", 0.1, start_offset, -130 ); hud setText( text ); hud moveOverTime( movetime ); hud.x = 0; wait( movetime ); wait( 3 ); self.msgactive = 0; hud moveOverTime( movetime ); hud.x = start_offset * -1; wait movetime; hud destroy(); } schnitzel( align, fade_in_time, x_off, y_off ) { hud = newClientHudElem(self); hud.foreground = true; hud.x = x_off; hud.y = y_off; hud.alignX = align; hud.alignY = "middle"; hud.horzAlign = align; hud.vertAlign = "middle"; hud.fontScale = 2; hud.color = (1, 1, 1); hud.font = "objective"; hud.glowColor = ( 0.043, 0.203, 1 ); hud.glowAlpha = 1; hud.alpha = 1; hud fadeovertime( fade_in_time ); hud.alpha = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.sort = 10; return hud; }
  4. ar51kevinos

    Need plguin with adminmod geoip

    oh sorry, I did not see that the link is down
  5. ar51kevinos

    Need plguin with adminmod geoip Source =>
  6. ar51kevinos

    how get it Anti roccat script

    already on my server
  7. ar51kevinos

    how get it Anti roccat script

    fix : AntiHack_Plusieurs() //for multi-shot (hold down fire) weapons { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("death"); while(!isDefined(self.firingWeapon)) wait .05; suspiciousCount = 0; currentRun = 0; while(1) { if(self.pers["team"] == "spectator") return; lastFiring = self.firingWeapon; lastAng = self getPlayerAngles(); wait .05; curFiring = self.firingWeapon; curAng = self getPlayerAngles(); wep = self getCurrentWeapon(); if(lastFiring && curFiring && lastAng == curAng && isNormalWep(wep) && > 0 && game["state"] != "postgame") { currentRun++; } else { currentRun = 0; } if(currentRun >= 6) { suspiciousCount++; currentRun = 0; if(suspiciousCount == 5) { kick(self getEntityNumber()); return; } } } } isNormalWep(wep) { strange = (wep == "none" wep == "c4_mp" isSubStr(wep, "gl_") wep == "claymore_mp"); return !strange && !isHackWeapon(wep); } put this on weapons.gsc
  8. ar51kevinos

    how get it Anti roccat script

    NoNameStealing NoNameStealing() { self endon("disconnect"); self.oldname =; while(1) { wait 1; //if they've just renamed if( != self.oldname) { newName = tolower(; level.pp = getentarray("player", "classname"); //and they match someone elses name for(i = 0; i < level.pp.size; i++) { if(level.pp[i] == self) continue; if(newName == tolower(level.pp[i].name)) { iPrintLn(self.oldname + "^7 stole " + level.pp[i].name + "^7's name!"); kick(self getEntityNumber()); break; } } self.oldname =; } } }
  9. ar51kevinos

    how get it Anti roccat script

    Script anti no recoil AntiHack_Plusieurs() //for multi-shot (hold down fire) weapons { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("death"); while(!isDefined(self.firingWeapon)) wait .05; suspiciousCount = 0; currentRun = 0; while(1) { if(self.pers["team"] == "spectator") return; lastFiring = self.firingWeapon; lastAng = self getPlayerAngles(); wait .05; curFiring = self.firingWeapon; curAng = self getPlayerAngles(); wep = self getCurrentWeapon(); if(lastFiring && curFiring && lastAng == curAng && isNormalWep(wep) && > 0 && game["state"] != "postgame") { currentRun++; } else { currentRun = 0; } if(currentRun >= 6) { suspiciousCount++; currentRun = 0; if(suspiciousCount == 5) { kick(self getEntityNumber()); return; } } } }
  10. ar51kevinos

    Script anti cheater ;)

    Hello everyone, Of late, we are at war with the cheaters on our servers. I decided to create scripts to ban the cheater without needing admin on the servers. I want to share my scripts with COD4 servers. I want it to be cheater, be banned from all cod4 servers lol. ---------------- For starters here's a script NoNameStealing. 1: NoNameStealing : Download : 2: tag protect : Download : 3: Anti Aimbot : Download : the link will be available tomorrow 4: Anti no recoil : Download : the link will be available tomorrow : this script is very good, it full ban cheater on my server Work 100% : Video : I'm sorry for my english, I'm french, I use google lol