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  1. bykidi

    Support the COD4/2!

    Here you go. FairFight® is a non-invasive, customizable, server side anti-cheat engine using agnostic technology that operates in real time and does not examine the players' devices or perpetually look for the latest hacks. FairFight uses GameBlocks' proprietary GameChanger™ rule engine and database structures to evaluate players' gameplay actions and Make it a FairFight™ for everyone. Fairfight uses two overlapping and mutually supportive approaches to identify cheaters: algorithmic analysis of player statistics and server-side cheat detection. FairFight uses algorithmic models to evaluate gameplay against multiple statistical markers to identify cheating as it occurs. FairFight crosschecks these indicators using objective server-side reporting tools. It takes action when both approaches correlate to cheating — and because you establish FairFight’s tolerances and the in-game actions to be taken against the hacker, you are in control of your game like never before. Learn more about integrating FairFight Into your game today. Source:
  2. bykidi

    Duplicate name protection

    Hi. Here is my problem: "kidi" and "kidi " - different names (space after nickname) and can't be kicked for duplicate name. how can i solve this? any solutions?
  3. R.I.P.