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  1. Hrothgar2

    become admin during the holyday

    Ok thank your for you quick answer !
  2. Hrothgar2

    become admin during the holyday

    Sorry for the mistake in the title ... Hello everybody, Please excuse my english, I come from France. Anyway, I here because sometimes the softcore servers is full of hackers and it's really boring ... As I'm at home durng the holidays and I'm playing quite a lot on your softcore serv and I would like to know how I could become an admin but just during the holidays in order to be able to ban all of these cheaters ... just tempban (1 hours or a little bit more would be enough ! ) because the system of ban with the vote never work because nobody cares ... But I do and some players too. I'm motivated for that job if you dont mind. I'm playing on your server with the name of LnK, LinK or Call me dad. I'm not bad at cod (1,7 kdr) . After the holidays I will need to continue my studies so I will not have any access to Cod4. Moreover I've got some question about the server's rules : -Are Grenade launcher, claymore and RPG allow ? thanks you for answering. Tell me if you don't understand my english.