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Posts posted by Booza

  1. If we are going to update Deathrun we need to slow down the speed.

    I think the speed is fine the way it is - I've seen way faster on other Deathrun servers.

    Well I would come back to IceOps only if the speed was slower.

    I have just recently moved to Raid just beacuse of the speed but I would rather IceOps beacuse its got better people. The people on Raid are Meh...

  2. We all know that deathrun needs an update, deathrun has been the same for soooooooo long I think something needs to be done about it.

    I dont know if many people know but raid deathrun is shutting down. if you click here: and scroll down a bit to What will happen to the servers? you will see that they MIGHT be releasing the mods that they used for deathrun maybe we could use them.

    Overall we need to update deathrun 1.2, I don't know if someone is working on it but we need to update it! ^^

  3. Agreed noNstoP, maps are still being over played and i want the rotation back. Hopefully it happens as it does get boring because sometimes one bad map stays on for the whole day. I understand why the rotation was taken away, but i would prefer a rotation because it gives the player the freedom to choose what map they want to play next. Overall I just want the rotation back :D

  4. 1. The big fact is that we need new things added to the deathrun server.

    2. 1.3 i dont know shit if thats real or not just add new things to the server sprays weapons etc.

    3. I play dr a lot i have been playing for about 2 years now and i have stuck with iceops the whole way and not many updates have been added just add something.

    Thank you for your time and reading my little preach :P

    Thank The Lord