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About zo-om

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  • Birthday 06/09/1996

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  1. nub

  2. zo-om

    Annoying as hell.

    PLayer name and GUID below always blocking/glitching elavator. From round 1 to 10.. Since no Moderators aviable anymore deathrun is just a troll, insult and glitchmod at iceops. Proof. GUID
  3. zo-om

    The Promod-Team has been disbanded

    years? xD 7 months
  4. zo-om

    The Promod-Team has been disbanded

    Oh thanks, bro. That means a lot ! promod team was good and you made a good job bartimeusiii
  5. zo-om

    The Promod-Team has been disbanded

    Sad to hear Promod Team was great.
  6. zo-om

    Deathrun antics

    Its just a fake own3d. The real is from Austria.
  7. zo-om

    aint no noob

    He wasnt a liar
  8. zo-om

    few suggestions

    Sry for Hardscope
  9. zo-om

    few suggestions

  10. zo-om

    [April fools]Here we go again -.-

    Diz post is useless bra.
  11. zo-om


    i believe in u! >
  12. U had better times as a grammar nazi bro :<