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Posts posted by MeAgain

  1. I like the way you think and it is a nice idea, indeed. However, I disagree with the execution and share the same view as @MeAgain: Quality over quantity.

    The reward should be something with prestige and status (for example as it has been done for donators). Maybe an awesome design and layout of the player's profile, not only the custome title, but also everything around it (including the frame of a post). In-game it could be some awesome outfits or skins for weapons. I'm just spinning some ideas here, a detailed system has to be worked out ofc. And someone who can actually realize it (programming & design).

    IMO a ranksystem should not be implemented. Rather challenges and once completed, you get the respective reward. :thumbup:

    Example: Catch 30 Hackers who are successfully banned. Reward: XYZ

    The more challenges you complete, the more awesome your profile looks on forum and in-game (with the option to choose what should be shown, etc.).

    These are my thoughts build on your idea ;)

    Good, now get out of my brain :rolleyes: we think alike :thumbsup:

  2. Well.. i have to be honest and i think it is not that of a good idea. I like your effort though to make IceOps a better place :D

    But to explain my opinion;

    1. Giving away ranks should have an other perk to it, like ranking on COD. Doing it for just the rank ''Gold'' Member with no benifits only suggest you are onlione alot haha. Maybe some costum skins or extra privalige.

    2. Ranks should not be given by the amount of time they spend on TS or in-game. People can just leave there PC while on TS (mic, sound muted). I think ranks should be tied with the value/work/effort you give to the community.

    Maybe we could develop a system where your forum/ingame rank will be higher if you could come up with great idea's that pass, more legit bans or even helping out more new people in getting to know IceOps.

    3. About the teamleader... Maybe we should devide it in more subgroups. Where you have one leader for COD, but have TeamLeaders for servers. (example; IceOps|****** is the most active and knows the most about Deathrun. He becomes Team Leader of DR. Same goes for OBS Promod Hardcore etc..) Because some mods are just completely different games, but they simply look the same.

    If you disagree with me, i will be glad to know :) This is just my opinion.

  3. Maybe we should not open random topics about ''Oh we should have KTK, Prop hunt, Codjumper, DR2.0, paintall etc.." But open a general topic.

    I suggest we make a poll in where we suggest wich mod is most preffered.

    We could convince the mod panel (maybe) To replace DR 1.1 or sniper only or even both for 1 or 2 mods. (knowing one mod needs more maintenance and space than others)

    Get feedback on why it is not possible or not considered and work from there. (like donations needed for more server room, help coding etc..)


  4. try Vanoss Gaming, h20 Delirious, Lui calibre, Mini Ladd etc on YouTube these are bunch of youtubers who makes funniest videos :) together in many games like gmod, gta 5, cod etc.
    @Anonymous @BlackShark95 @Ninja @NNJ @Fisher @Bart @MixR @Mc.Joker @sam00 @MeAgain @QueNNch @minQkel @Rocky @Prime @MarcXMW @Leto @CRO|Predator @Fa!l3r|Ger* @GroOvY @TheKelm @Tiranozzavr @Reef I dont know why I tagged these people I just want them to see this thread

    I watch them all the time haha :)

    It is a good idea, and it would fit my thread about CodJumper.

    That post is not necessarily about that mod, but more the idea about changing unpupulair server into different mods :).

  5. If i change the poll at this moment, the votes would be uncounted for.

    Therefor i think its best to leave this as it is and see how the outcome will be.

    If there is a popular opinion about changing the unpopulair servers into more preferable mods but not necessarily CodJumper, i could always add an other thread/poll on wich mod would be the most preferred.

    I've only noticed that the sniper only server is very empty at times and it would be a great idea to take the oppertunity and make IceOps more popular and known.

    COD4 runs and relies on Mods and ofcourse we all have our different opinions about one and other. CodJumper seemed for me to be the first smart move to make, knowing it is a loved and quite often requested mod.

    And hopefully in the long term we will grow popularity in the COD4 community, wich means more members, wich leads to more donators wich leads to have the capebility to own more servers with more mods.

    If CodJumper would get more visitors instead of Promod Sniper only, we could engage in oppertunities and look into what servers can be changed in (Like turning Dr 1.1 into DR 2.0)

    It's one small step for man, it is one giant leap for mankind (aka IceOps).

  6. *BUMB*

    For the same exact reason i will pauze COD4 untill June (end of my exams)

    I'll be around TS/XF/Forums though.

    Haha and Im pretty sure we will also still see you ingame.

    Good luck

    No haha, i am pretty determend.

    Last time i thought playing a little won't hurt my productivity, but i got hooked again and played wayyy to much.

    I need to learn some self decipline before installing again haha.

    Plus, there lays huge pressure on this, if i fail to make it this year, i would have wasted a great amount of time of my year because i only have one chance to make it.

    @*V* Thanks :D

  7. Dear people :D,

    I've noticed that alot of people in Deathrun also fancy Codjumper servers.

    I think most of you already are familiar with this mod.

    (Cod jumper is a mod where you have to find your way through a custom made map, high jumps, bounces, RPG jumps etc.. without an acti)

    I think it would be a great idea to make a Cod-jumper server instead of a lower populair server like Promod Sniper only.

    Maybe i'm wrong but i don't see alot of people in that server.

    I will let the rest open for discussion :) and tell me what you think about this idea.

    -Vinny -MeAgain

  8. @Mc.Joker I will bind it thank you :)

    But.. It shouldn't happen in my opinion. Isn't there something that could be changed in the Promod server's mod where the minimap/radar is set to be on to avoid this problem?

    I imagine that there are some people who don't have much experiance in Cod4 codec or even console commands who will have a major a disadvantage ingame without minimap. Wondering if there is something wrong with their COD4 game.

  9. Well, if i join IceOps Team Deathrun 2 (v1.2) (iceops.inIP: and join than the IceOps Team Promod SnD (iceops.inIP: my minimap is gone.

    It is fixable with setting the ''cg_compasssize 1'' everytime, but i'm sure some players won't know the command (didn't know myself for a while to) and it become quite anoying to manually fix it everytime.

    1. Am i the only one with this problem? If yes, how can i fix this problem permenently instead of changing cg_compasssize everytime?

    2. If i am not the only one, is this bug fixable by changing something in the Deathrun server or ProMod server?

    Thank you in advance ^^

  10. I would appreciate if you use the Report form:

    1. What type of a rule break are you reporting:*

    2. Server:*

    3. Approximate time:

    4. Player's name:*

    5. Player's GUID or UID:

    6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs):*

    7. Please describe what happened:*


    Do you have the power to (atleast) use $kick yet?

    If not just tell one of the online admins.

    P.S. I would tempban him but you didn't specify which server did it happen on X(

    I wanted to request/discuss powers afther my vacation comming thursday. I'll be away for 2,5 weeks and this vacation can determine if i am proceeding to play COD4 yes or no.

  11. Giuseppe - 7d2f5745


    Inappropiate languale ALL THE TIME. Even when telling i find it highly offensive

    1. What type of rule break are you reporting: Psychological abuse and very inappropriate use of language towards others and spesificly me afther warning him frinedly he should stop it because it offends people.

    2. Server: ProMod LIve

    3. Approximate time:16:00

    4. Player's name:Giuseppe

    5. Player's GUID or UID: 7d2f5745

    6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs): See Attachement (and much more)

    7. Please describe what happened: See 1.

  12. I have also played a lot of hardcore, and this seems odd to me, this was all I said. Might be spectator lag, might not be. I also sense some WH.

    We shouldn't make decisions based on how we play ourselves, but on what the demo shows.

    There are obviously a majority of people voting for unban, so if nobody has any objections he should be unbanned.
