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Everything posted by T-Max

  1. T-Max

    add mpui.str to IceOps server

    Script strings are not localized strings. You must replace all "OW_BLA_BLA" in openwarfare gscs' with your own text strings.
  2. T-Max

    add mpui.str to IceOps server

    init() { level.localizedString = []; level.localizedString["UI_HELLO"][0] = "Привет!" //Ru level.localizedString["UI_HELLO"][1] = "Hello!" //En ... } //on player connect: self.lang = 0; // 1 //in some func: text setText(level.localizedString["UI_HELLO"][self.lang]); // Message based on selected language
  3. T-Max

    add mpui.str to IceOps server

    No. localized_code_post_gfx_mp.ff. But all localized_ files are client-side...
  4. T-Max

    add mpui.str to IceOps server

    Localized strings must be compiled into .ff before using. Same as sounds(soundaliases), anims, models, images, materials. Only scripts can be server-side.
  5. T-Max

    how start .gsc without fs_game

    Easiest way: Drop GSCs and GSXs into "main_shared" folder. Example: main_shared\maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic.gsc
  6. sv_pure -> 1? http://youtu.be/YS0ZN0NXijI
  7. T-Max

    COD4 Deathrun Promod view?

    cg_fovscale "1.125" You can create simple script which allows every player toggle this cvar.
  8. T-Max

    want antiblock for cod4

    free. But there is no differences with 1.7a. I has attached one of old updates(after "protocol" fix). You can find exe in bin folder. Don't worry, I didn't touch it.(I'm still waiting for another update for Windows). Add to your server's cfg: seta g_friendlyPlayerCanBlock "0" This is your anti-block script.
  9. T-Max

    Scripts in a stock server?

    This is Engine's notifies. When player press "Join" button, svr notifies "begin" on player. When player loaded, it notifies "connected".
  10. T-Max

    Scripts in a stock server?

    "connected", not "connecting": level waittill( "connected", player ); This: level waittill( "spawned_player" ); never be executed because there is no "level notify("spawned_player")". Use self waittill( "spawned_player" ); instead.
  11. T-Max

    Modifying the limits of some things?

    Unfortunately changing limits for ANYTHING only for server aren't solved our problems. I figured it with menuDefs{}, changed limit to 1000. Server loads but my game crashed at connecting :C So limits for xmodels, scripts, menus, xanims, sounds, etc. its both server- and client-side