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Perma Banned for no reason

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1. Your nickname


2. Server you got banned on


3. Your UID (will show up when you try joining the server)


4. Admin UID (will show up when you try joining the server)

Doesn't show

5. Ban reason (bans for cheating will NOT get lifted)

No reason

6. Short information about what happened (what you did and what you did not, remember all of this can be verified in the server logs)

So this guy named Tommy was using profanity using voice chat then Ninja came in and banned him.

We were playing HighRise it was round 10 and I alt tabbed to do someting else then when I join back in the game it says I got kicked, when I try to join again it said perma banned issued to this server

Reason: Profanity in Voicechat

I never use voice chat.

Please resolve ty

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