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TK & Leave - Obs server - #(PCG)Nice7

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1. What type of a rule break are you reporting: TK and Leave

2. Server:Obscurity

3. Approximate time:Few minutes ago

4. Player's name:#(PCG)Nice7

5. Player's GUID or UID:d22a75d0

6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs):Attached

7. Please describe what happened:Tked me 2 rounds in a row, tried to kill another player but he ran out of tks wrote "bb" and left.

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That's soft, no offense of course. But since I came back (a few days now) This happened 3 times already, I don't think you should warn people for something that should be dead obvious. What kind of douch Tk's after cursing(2/3 times) and leaves and goes unpunished? Hell, I would have stopped him at the profanity, the other guy said "fuk your mom" or something like that. That's offensive to an unaccepted level. And what worse is, the server looses population after these occasions because they're frustrated, I know I left after this and people left before me too.

I'm not here to come and tell how you how to run the server(And I'm sorry if it seems this way, I don't want to boss anyone around), but a year or so back when I was a mod on the server, I threw these people away left and right (up to a week). And I can tell you, There was peace and harmony when I was on, because they knew I'm not screwing around and they will get punished.

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