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Everything posted by r1ot

  1. r1ot


    Clearing up some maps from the rotation. I can imagine every veteran player here has some map they find annoying in common so make suggestions about which you dislike.
  2. r1ot

    Ban appeal - StormBreak

    I don't know any details regarding his ban. I just saw he was banned.
  3. r1ot

    Tempban for banhop

    As I recall he played again later after getting a ban, then said his brother played therefore lied. And after a few days I remember seeing him online.
  4. r1ot


    To snap screenshots use /screenshot.jpeg And to take demo recording use /record and /stoprecord
  5. r1ot

    banned for wh?

    It shows Tree under the banlist when I ban, dunno why. But I don't remember banning anyone named lost and I can't seem to find my report or the guid under Banned players on obscurity. Edit: And nope it's always been Tree.
  6. r1ot

    Banned for banhop

    I say perm him, he banhoped. And as for his "brother" he posted this appeal in matter of minutes after getting banned. And if his brother knows how to banhop he would be the one who woul of played when he recived the ban.
  7. r1ot

    Banned for banhop

    Yes minq he did. Btw dat not-so-spoiler spoiler
  8. r1ot

    Banned for banhop

    I banned you. Temp 30d f297a838 - Xborn (Banned under the name of IceOps|Link) Obscurity Impersonating, after asking him who he is he lies and wont login imgur.com/58nsMoK
  9. r1ot

    Banned from Hardoce - K'O.Dapunk

    Then again you have players who hack at the competitive scene. Versus VAC system. Not saying you do, just a possibility.
  10. r1ot

    Tantrum Desire. appeal

    Too short for me, but that kill on the balcony didn't look even close to legit, even with speed lowered down.
  11. r1ot

    Cheater Report - MIsty

    Please use this Report form
  12. r1ot

    Banned from Hardoce - K'O.Dapunk

    I'd say hes got a wallhack, those plays are unnatural for uav only.
  13. r1ot

    Banned from Hardoce - K'O.Dapunk

  14. r1ot

    Help on this Pc that I might get

    My recommendation is that you either wait more and get more money for a good pc, or the money you have to upgrade the one you have now. You might have some good parts that cant function to their max due to an old piece of hardware
  15. r1ot

    p00pz appeal

    GUID : 57da111e Admin Banned you was Epsilon. I can't seem to find his report @Lookout
  16. r1ot


    One thing doe, why was his guid changed ? He could of appealed if he was banned on it due to a false report, but he changed it.
  17. r1ot

    Admin abuse Failer.

    Goat the not so human translator. Didn't wanna type that in, even with spoiler for ppl who disagree with quoting that sort of language
  18. r1ot

    Admin abuse Failer.

    Today's outburst after getting blown to bits. http://imgur.com/uf212eh Its in Croatian pointed towards Noon, Ares and predator should be able to confirm its offensive as well.
  19. r1ot

    Admin abuse Failer.

    I think those 2 maps are from 2 different bans considering he has said that he has gotten banned twice. It may be that the proof is insufficient but he tends to rage out when he dies as obscurity or when some one has a longer run as a obs and keeps surviving everything.
  20. r1ot

    Admin abuse Failer.

    Your brothers actions will also reflect and have reflected on you. I don't see any abuse here, just doing his work.
  21. r1ot


    It is your own fault for the ban. Ur "brother" played on ur acc, so it means u will take the consequences for his actions considering u were the one who trusted him not to do stuff like that in the 1st place.
  22. r1ot


    MY guess is he got a vac on mw2, since activision gave a ban wave to everyone, no matter if they hacked or not
  23. r1ot

    Blad3 report SNIPER PROMOD

    m8 no one is arguing here, the majority of io members said they dont see wallhack there. If you get accepted you will need to ban people who you suspect also. Any mistakes and its on you, no one else. Just saying.
  24. r1ot

    Blad3 report SNIPER PROMOD

    1:10 He prones and sees the legs of a guy running, also uses radar. If he uses wallhack the moment he scoped out when the guy didnt push him he would of wallbanged him.
  25. r1ot

    Blad3 report SNIPER PROMOD

    I also see no hacks here, considering every kill he makes guys run around, sound can give up everything.