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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Scott

    Jeff's appeal

    Maybe you dont maybe you do. That is the question. ps: i dont watch demos i just come here in unban request section with popcorn <3
  2. Scott

    The forest

    Hmm The Forest .. no for now it's only sigle player I think . Hey Everyone, Here’s a small patch 0.08d containing mostly bug fixes (Including finally a fix to distant shadow distortions!) Our bigger patch 0.09 has been pushed back to this coming Monday whilst we sort out the last remaining co-op multiplayer issues!
  3. Scott

    The forest

    multiplayer tomorow
  4. Scott

    New Maps

    This one isnt in rotation but is in Server Maps files. its on dr 1.1 rotation tho XD
  5. Scott

    New Server - ARMA 2: DayZ

    Well ninja you should get rid of night time or get it lighter XD cause we cant see sh*t when we play on evenings XD. Also need to add the plugins/ Scripts i send to you on steam. As 90% of the server uses them. They are user freindly. Also check the website for other usefull mods that could be good like Ai bases to take over with rare loot. These brings a few players over to do teamwork and not dying every 5 min by ai's all over Electro and Cherno. Also if you need help with adding stuff ask me i will gladly help Also we need a custom loading screen looks coller than Dayz Epoch
  6. Scott

    Modified deathrun "Idea"

    well idea is simple Acti "Chaser" would spawn behind the runners and when game starts the runners would have a 10 second head start or somthing. And chaser needs to chase them down and kill them with his fists and if the chaser falls down he respawns back at the start. And at the end of the map it should be the same as Deathrun room picking but faster paced as the Chaser could be just behind .
  7. Scott

    Modified deathrun "Idea"

    Acti dosnt die. He respawns back to start each time he falls in. If its possible XD
  8. Scott

    Modified deathrun "Idea"

    was talking about the cod 4 Deathrun but in comparaison of a Gmod mod called "escape the pedobear" here is a video of it tho
  9. Scott

    Modified deathrun "Idea"

    i mean yes but if u want this to exist we need a modder
  10. Scott

    2 players cheating

    well in indie when they go sniper i just run and knife XD
  11. Scott


    yes mmap is on 1.2 just tested it
  12. Scott


    its in files so you can do map cmd
  13. Scott


    map is on 1.1 jump room impossible at 125 fps well a few people at least cant do it at 125fps You should make it easier make the platfore bigger when you land the 1st jamp after idk didnt go that far. Also sniper room is fun but u die really fast when u spawn in also as mixr said a few glitches in secret room where u die when falling of
  14. Scott


    did noclip to secret bounce .... Its impossible
  15. Scott


    just deleted most of them. is it final version? cause it looks great atm and i would gladly put it in the dr 1.1 and 1.2 map rotation. When ninja or delta puts it in the server files.
  16. Scott


    so is there any acron killing you or u just deleted most of them just to be sure if i want them or not. Also i ant this in deathrun asap .
  17. Scott


    No no no no.. You guys are destroying everything when you set those rules.. All that you want be forbidden I always do (except suicide as acti).. Those things are the main reason to play DR. So the reason to play is to make people mad. agree^^ i love making people mad its funny.
  18. Scott


    i play games with dr players when there rage If there say noob they get kicked (of course i dont do it ) they stop crying when i here now most of the time
  19. Scott


    i warn players when the sucide as acti. and they normally dont do it after.
  20. Scott

    Reporting a Lagg-Glitcher

    Vacame is permbanned. Also insulted me in russian and english. Dado will not play here anymore i think as his friend is banned
  21. Scott

    Lag.. Server or internet?

    i do have the same problem .... just now i had connection timed out for spit seconds... like for 15 sec or so. On the Rozo server. Tried to ping my router but exepte a 107ms instead of a 1ms respons it didnt show up. well probably was to late.
  22. Scott

    Reporting an insulter

    i also had him tempban by Ninja once, and banned him again for a few days for spamming Low and insulting me and other payers.
  23. Scott

    Reporting a Lagg-Glitcher

    Link aint working Its Vacame He also have a budy called Dado. Some players also told me that he is WH...
  24. Scott

    Post Your Best Kills/Score Records!

    hardcore isnt counting for ormal games for me
  25. Scott

    Banned cause of noob customer

    Yay customers