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Everything posted by TheKelm

  1. TheKelm

    temporary ban

    Well, let's make it more interesting: If he get's caught, I say let's ban him for a month. Harsh? Sure. That's why I write it here for him to see
  2. TheKelm

    Ban Appeal

    Secret of the ban is - you cheated and tried evading a ban. Don't like the website? You might as well go annoy people somewhere else. Bye.
  3. TheKelm

    Griefing - NiceNoobs|Pie

    Breaking lasers is gold. Yes, I do it too sometimes. Same with claymores (without damaging teammates tho). I just love to see people freak out after that And well, team flashing is just mean. You basically give a teammate to the obs on a silver platter. I too think it falls into the obs #1 rule, just don't do it. All jokes aside - do claymores kill obs? Not really, no. Do claymores kill other humans? Every damned time. Do you think lasers are useful? I think they only work against a noob as an ob (which you should be able to kill anyway). Other than that, they give the scared campers a false sense of security and get them possessed (which hurts the team as a whole, doesn't it?). Say again, is it really griefing? Honestly, I don't think it is. Edit: Forgot about camping - camping is of course allowed on our servers. At the same time, it is not really liked by more experienced and skilled players. Why? Because you can get swapped / possessed which usually leads to dead bodies of other people. Also you can shoot someone because 'he walked through that door and scared me'. Or maybe he walked next to your claymore and the obs said 'pushoh'. It's just bad for the whole humans team overall.
  4. TheKelm

    1.7a windows wont start

    Saying that it gives an error doesn't help, maybe provide the actual error text?
  5. Back on topic (kinda) - for me it's super simple - if anyone even mentions a remote possibility of him being involved in a plausible DDoS against anyone I know, I instant permban him. No unbans, no regrets. At the end of the day, most of them don't even know what it stands for, and even if they do, we are pretty well protected and most attacks those kids make are so damn easy to trace... I hope, for their own good, they use liquid soap.
  6. TheKelm

    Arma2 Dayz

    If there are other players I might play on it, but playing there alone or with 5 other people max is just not fun at all...
  7. TheKelm

    MAM and PHP on LINUX

    Sorry, we are not a MAM / Linux helpdesk. Even if we were though, you didn't provide enough information anyway. As per usual, there is a very good answer to you problem right here. Thread closed.
  8. TheKelm

    AR51:Kevinos DDoS IceOps - Statement

    Like i said substanz is just as guilty as kevinos, he might of not did the attacks himself, but he knew what was going on and tried to cover it up and lied to his own members. Now that him and kevinos has fallen out, he's trying to turn everyone against kevinos and make himself innocent. Like what people said on paper he was a leader but reality is, he was never a leader of ar51 because kevinos would never give that postion up. I'd like substanz to explain us all why he tried to cover it up and lie to his own members about the whole thing until he gets kicked out, hell when he was in ar51 he could of done what neither of us could of done is finally get kevinos a reality check with the real world. But my best guess the reason why he waited to tell everyone part of the truth when he gets kicked out, is because of the power he had in ar51, he didn't want to loose it. Substanz might've been hiding it from us, but he never did actually DDoS anyone. Even now that Kevinos is SQL Injecting/DDoS'ing our new website, Substanz won't "revenge." He just didn't want to lose the friends he had, until now. Substanz got kicked, and tried to cover up the reasons so we wouldn't leave Kevinos. Substanz wanted to let it go, and quit everything without causing trouble. We knew something was up, and eventually we found out. Oh and by the way, the new leader of AR51, knows everything about Kevin, yet he refuses to leave. However the members in there are just dumb sheeps that know nothing, and are just backing up Kevin because they are wanting to get promoted(Power hungry monsters) Anyways, I hope you guys have nothing against us(new us) because we're starting fresh. Anything happens, do not hesitate to contact any of us on our website. Ninja provided the link already. This is not advertising, i'm just showing you where to contact us. if that's not allowed, I apologize. Any other questions? I wish IceOps and all the other clans the best of luck. Best Regards, Knucklehead(random name) - if you're keen to know the real me, you know where to come and ask Substanz won't make a revenge attack? Oh wow, that makes him a saint now? Look, we've been DDoSed by AR51 for YEARS now and we NEVER DDoSed back. And it's not like in your case, we actually know how to do it.
  9. TheKelm

    AR51:Kevinos DDoS IceOps - Statement

    What really sucks is - this won't really change anything... @Scooby Dzieki Ja do samego AR51 nigdy nic nie mialem (nawet kiedys gralem troche na waszych (teraz juz ich) serwerach), problem mam tylko z Kevinosem, ktos musi tego smarkacza usadzic...
  10. TheKelm


    Still would be advertising...
  11. TheKelm

    Need help :c

    Fixed the photo for you. Which process shows this message box? You can tell by pressing ctrl+shift+esc, going to applications tab, right clicking the correct window -> go to process
  12. TheKelm

    Member status

    TL;DR - you watched it and don't know what to say. Yet, you chose to say exactly that. Okay... I highly doubt that would happen, I also highly doubt Savior would want to come back at this point. The reason the thread is not locked - there is a discussion going on, it would be pretty rude to cut it (it's even somewhat on topic this time!) I'm actually suprised that Google addded morse alphabet to translator. Check my previous post...
  13. TheKelm


    See, the thing is - you can think whatever you want and tell me to listen to myself, but it's still you who is banned. The 2 sentences alone are not a reason for a ban, your overall attitude though makes them a pretty solid reason IMO.
  14. TheKelm


    Yeah, I'd ban you too. Next time think twice before you start taunting admins (multiple times according to chatlogs).
  15. TheKelm

    Member status

    The discussion is slowly becoming ridiculous... Savior, nobody disrespected you and the way we let you go was a chance, a chance to not get you 'shamed'. Please appreciate that, we could've made it all much harsher, trust me. You are the one who caused the whole shitstorm to go down with your other thread, claiming you deserved more. As to the proof. People usually see what they want to see. If it wasn't Savior, every single one of you would ban that player and never look back. It was not a decision that was made in one day nor by one or two people. It was given consideration for quite a while actually. To others - some of the comments are indeed funny, but please don't post here unless you have something meaningful to contribute, thank you.
  16. TheKelm

    Member status

    Oh ofc everyone preferes it NOW. But when we actually do it people always act 'rebellious', defend the guy and demand a reason. There you go, a reason.
  17. TheKelm

    Member status

    Bump, check the first post again.
  18. TheKelm

    Santa advertising

    Please tell me you answered 'go for it' The kids are impossible, at least we can have fun trolling them haha
  19. TheKelm

    Member status

    The kick reason will be announced soon, don't worry. We just want to do it properly
  20. TheKelm

    Tempban for banhop

    Since when do we unban if the majority votes against it? Please elaborate, and don't take this the wrong way, I may be wrong myself. If you think that everyone's 'vote' here has the same value, sorry to disappoint you
  21. TheKelm

    Who has Steam and who doesn't have?

    I'd explain the joke but that would kill it...
  22. TheKelm

    Who has Steam and who doesn't have?

    Let me guess, you buy all of your games at The Pirate Bay?
  23. TheKelm

    Getting better FPS (Config)

    but can you manage to smoothly switch from 125 to 333 then 250 and 333 again, everything in a middle of a jump and turn 360 degrees to bounce and finish it with no scope? If not, then your config is not good enough and skill is low. Get rekt son.
  24. TheKelm

    AR51:Kevinos DDoS IceOps - Statement

    taki kozak jestes a nie potrafisz go zablokowac? najpierw dajecie 1.7a potem was hakujo. a ten kevinos to kozak jak chuj mnie tez atakaowal... jego tez idzie wykonczyc I'll answer in english, if you want to talk in polish PM me. First, if you have to write in polish, at least use proper grammar. Secondly, noone hacked us and I don't consider myself to be a smart-ass. Also, what is the connection between releasing CoD4X and all this? You just dont make sense. Finally - do NOT make threats (even implied) against anyone on this forums please, thank you.