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Posts posted by ScarFace

  1. 8 minutes ago, Mc.Joker said:

    Hmm okay, first of all:

    Saying you could/will evade bans isn't the smartest thing to say. 


    As for the screenshots:

    I can only see you trying to provoke Stu and he said only 2 things in those screenshots and one of them isn't even directed to you. So not sure what you want to report except an admin giving you 1 warning. 


    But we shall wait for @Stu to see what he has to say about this. 


    Other members do not post ins this thread! If you have something to say or share contact a staff member! 

    Saying you could/will evade bans isn't the smartest thing to say. : I say it because im real i dont need to lie in anything, dont want he out of staff just tell him to calm down and respect others, i get into server to play not to argue with a kid

    edit: hes just trying to annoy me,to when i say something bad he will ban me, i just dont like this hate in the environment, just tell him to calm down.

  2. Your in-game name:
    Your PlayerID:
    dunno how to get​
    Admin Name:
    Approximate time:
    What happend:
    He gets mad and tell a commentary in every movement i do, every round, i tried to make peace with him, but he dont want to, i dont know why *cough* kid *cough*. He gived me a warn for talking hes acting like a kid and hes staff? i cant trust it. i dont care about being warned or banned i can evade them all but having a staff like that on your servers...​

  3. 12 minutes ago, Stu said:



    literally having disrespect as a bind let alone a 3 letter bind just to say it randomly every 10 seconds for everything someone says and anything that happens in-game is not only annoying as fuck, just starts to piss people off in general. I'm not a very tolerable man, so




    and nothing else in between really starts to... what was the term?

    Does i disrespect anyone? does i said something bad about u? show me the logs where every 10 secs i spam smd...

    Anyways if u disrespect in that fucking form means u arent good person...

    u cant know where i came from...