
GameServer Moderator
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Everything posted by Own3d

  1. Own3d

    HC HighXP server update

    many people are leaving due to the update, I played 5-7 games now and all of the players want the old version back they said
  2. Own3d

    Report for blackhawk

    Players' name: blackhawk Players' PlayerID: 2310346613619017577 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1571.mov Please describe what happened: this guy got already banned, I reported him last time but he keeps creating new accounts and now he even stole my name, you'll see in the video. he is known under the name of blackhawk.
  3. Own3d

    Report for goody

    Players' name: goody Players' PlayerID: 2310346615041538103 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1573.mov Please describe what happened:
  4. Own3d

    Report for blackhawk

    Players' name: blackhawk Players' PlayerID: 2310346613466918033 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1553.mov Please describe what happened:
  5. Own3d

    Report for 1488

    Players' name: 1488 Players' PlayerID: 2310346615094961302 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: Please describe what happened:
  6. Own3d

    Report for FINAL GAME BABY

    Players' name: FINAL GAME BABY Players' PlayerID: 2310346616381434125 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1528.MOV Please describe what happened:
  7. Own3d

    Report for RaZvE 9 4ItEr?!

    Players' name: RaZvE 9 4ItEr?! Players' PlayerID: 2310346614120572362 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1526.zip Please describe what happened:
  8. Own3d

    Report for madmax

    Players' name: madmax Players' PlayerID: 2310346615347200920 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1540.mov Please describe what happened:
  9. Own3d

    Report for RaZvE 9 4ItEr?!

    what? he's clearly using an aimbot there at the end of the video? no recoil and his red dot jumps straight to the enemy's head? alright, I will provide longer videos the next time then! unfortunately, I thought this was enough but he was clearly using hacks during the game.
  10. Own3d

    Report for xadeao

    Players' name: xadeao Players' PlayerID: 2310346615405493865 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1482.zip Please describe what happened:
  11. Own3d

    Report for xBit

    Players' name: xBit Players' PlayerID: 2310346615238531560 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: Please describe what happened: glitching on crash
  12. Own3d

    Report for alvikingwar

    Players' name: alvikingwar Players' PlayerID: 2310346614521977933 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1482.zip Please describe what happened:
  13. Own3d

    Report for -zed-55

    Players' name: -zed-55 Players' PlayerID: 2310346615643562376 Server: Hardcore HighXP Proof: IMG_1465.zip Please describe what happened: