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Posts posted by IceCold

  1. 1. What kind of violation: Spam

    2. Server on which this happened: Obscurity

    3. Player's name: SAW-7

    4. Player's GUID or UID: 400459

    5. Proof:

    He has spammed at the end of last map too so this is not everything. I don't know if this guy undestands English because I was trying to make him stop the spam but with no luck.

    Maybe you can get someone to speak to him, up to you.



  2. I will try and explain to you what he ment..

    You have been banned by someone for using hacks and your uid/guid/name is on the master ban list which this server might be using too to protect from hackers. So pretty much they have nothing to do with it and they won't help you in any way. You can appeal once again to the owner of the master ban list and it's up to them if you will be removed from the list or not.

    I think Ninja will be able to tell you more about it since he knows more from the admin side.

  3. I'm happy people agree with me. The player I named in one of the descriptions (Big*|Obs) is also a cheater, unfortunatly the time he wasn't hiding with it I didn't record. So I'm just letting you people know that if you see a player with uid 574 you might want to keep an eye on him.

    Let's see what the other admins have to say.

  4. 1. What kind of violation: WH

    2. Server on which this happened: IceOps Obscurity server

    3. Player's name: Ghost

    4. Player's UID: 353418

    5. Proof:

    Video nr 1:


    On this video you can see how he kills me throug a wall on map Bog shortly after the round started. I know, I know, it doesn't look very obvious therefore I kept on spying on him.

    Video nr 2:


    Here we were playing strike and as soon as I became obs I went on the roof streight away, shortly after I get on the roof you can see a nade exploding nearby. I then choose to get off the roof quitley and camp in a place no one would really suspect. I was crouching the whole time and when going off the roof I made sure I don't make a single noise. 00:52 some player appears, that's not ghost and I don't know who that is. I suspect asd (BIG|Obs he just changed his name to asd) but I'm not sure. You can see that the player is obviously there for a reason and then in 1:03 I think it's ghost who comes running therefore I got scared and tho it's time to move away. On the roof I get hit by a nade once again, this time it was Andi who as you can see says in the chat "die".

    I come off the roof on the other side after some time and seconds after I touch the ground Ghost comes at me charging. Just as I prone on ground he comes in sprinting. He turn even before I knife his way and has few shots at me with a pistol so I run again.

    At 1:47 I was hoping that he was gonna be the one who comes around there directly but he prefers to watch me from distance and as soon as I see another player I try to run and just as I step out - Boom. You can even see the beatiful replay of that kill,

    Even having this I though it might not be enough so I kept on playing.

    Video nr 3:


    We are back on Bog and after recording a lot of videos I finally get what I want. I could proof that he only shoots at those walls when someone is there but he is clever and he doesn't go for obs streight away. I don't know what hes tactics are but maybe he want to scare the obs out.

    And back to the video. You can see how he runs towards the enemy spawn, why? Well, obviously, obscurity is there. You can see me skipping between players because I wanted to show where obs are and where Ghost is going/shooting. In both cases you can see him just after round starts and hes behaviour. He always goes near the obs, like he might not shoot them but he will stay near them or where he can see them. As I said, he is clever with his hacks.

    No one shoots at a building like that and for such a long time if they don't know if obs are there, you might have few shots to hope for luck but that's it. I spent like 3 minutes inside one of them buildings while being obs and guess what, he keep on shooting there the whole 3 minutes and even player called Obscurity told him not to spray with his sniper and waste ammo. Funny thing is he wasn't spraying because as soon as I got out of the building and went towards our spawn he stopped shooting and guess what? Yep, shortly he appeard sprinting at me. Funny, right? Too bad I don't have that video because it was actually 2 pieces 1gb each and I deleted them because I tho it's not enough.

    Watch the videos carefully yourself, read what I wrote and judge it. Would like to see the opinions.

  5. And what was so inappropriate about my comment? :> It's not like I used any offensive words, your "stfu" is more inappropriate. I'm pretty sure I have the right to post anything I want in here as far as it isn't against the forum rules. I just stated my opinion on that situation and if it is not true that he hacks then I'm not the one to blame for this topic.

  6. As I said before. He joined the server, he stated that he doesn't know what to do in the mod and seconds after he killed me in mid air, following me from the time of my jump and shooting me till he killed me somewhere in the middle of my jump. I'm not stupid, I play this mod a long time and I wouldn't be able to point out a player that can do that.

    Scy7he, Sandman, Devax, Kenai.. They are not capable of doing something like that aspecially on a clear background.

    I created this topic so that admins can look up closer on this player and they would for sure notice that he hacks. All it takes is a bit of time spent watching him and his movement, aiming etc and you will agree with me. And I though that once those admins look him up they will all decide on banning him. Also, I don't want someone giving him a quick check and saying, oh he doesnt hack, he is crap etc.

    I don't judge anyone easly and I don't walk around saying "he hacks" before I make sure. Even when I suspect someone and I'm not sure I still pay more attention to them but I don't judge them easly.

    If you think it's a good idea of letting me decide wether he should be banned or not I am up for it. But it hurts me when I can't prove it and a lot of people don't believe me. BUT, so far for everyone I have said they hack they have actually been hacking and banned so.. Speaks for it self.

  7. Let me put it this way. If you look at him closley you will notice that he hacks but it would be very hard to prove it on screenshots or a video because he doesn't show it. As I said, he always knows where obs are but doesn't just shoot at them, he might just have a look and just start shooting when they get closer so it doesn't look like he hacks. There are a lot of hacker's on the servers and they are a bit clever with it not making it obvious. Is PB not updated anymore or something? Because it seems like hackers are kicking PunkBusters ass.

  8. He hacks and I'm 100% sure. You can even ask Peacemaker* and he will confirm. He told me he can't ban him because he doesn't have enough proof which leads me to think that your rules on banning might be a bit too strict at not all hackers make it that obvious that they hack.

  9. 1. What kind of violation: Hacks

    2. Server on which this happened: Obscurity mod

    3. Player's name: Butcher aka FastButcher

    4. Player's UID: 353418
    5. Proof ( this is necessary ): -

    I know I don't have any proof on this player but it is pretty hard to get. Why?

    Well, when he didn't hide his hacks I couldn't record a demo because for some reason it doesnt save. Now he plays on the server and he got more clever as he hides his hacks. I am posting this topic because I'm hoping that admins which play on the server will keep an eye on him. If you spectate him and look where the other obs are at a time you will notice that he tends to run towards the place where they are, he might not shoot at them streight away sometimes but he does aim directly at the place where obs are from very long distance. You just have to switch between obs and him to see it. He also has 15 found pbss and 53 blank at this moment, a lot of hackers allow pbss to be taken at the time they have no hacks on just to make you think they are clean.

    I hope you wont just delete this topic and actually have a look at this guy because he is very suspicious. And as I said, at the beggining he didn't hide his cheats, he claimed to be new and said he doesn't know what to do and then seconds later he killed me in mid air following me from the moment of my jump.


  10. You can always use trial version if you want to stick to the law that much :) It last like 30 days. I must admit that I use photoshop and it is stupid that they don't have like a student version as autodesk does. Can't learn the software outside school/college.