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Everything posted by Chewie.

  1. Chewie.


    Jeez, is this still going on? For the last time, you were spamming along with others, in which I warned you all. You continued, so I kicked. I then asked you to stop using the B Commands so much when you rejoined, yet you continued, not so much as spam, but continued to over use the B Commands in an unnecessary way. At this point, it was @Fisher who gave you the Communication Ban for 30minutes, not I ((hence why I am getting slightly annoyed by this situation, being blamed on myself etc...)) Us as members here do what we think is necessary to keep our servers going, and me and Fisher thought it was necessary to give you the Comms Block. Your Comms Ban has since expired. @Mc.Joker @JoeyyyyFTW @Fisher @ArC'Ase
  2. Chewie.

    cod4 deathrun

    Haha nice one
  3. Chewie.

    Guys!!InsaNity here!! :)

    **to the right (( The one that looks like this >> A ))
  4. Chewie.


    thats pretty sweet bro!
  5. Chewie.

    cod4 deathrun

    Just wondering, is there a reason as to why a topic on deathrun tactical insertion is in the Applications for Clan Memberships (denied) ??? @Scott
  6. Chewie.

    Ban appeal for Efsane

    We need proof, I'm afraid.
  7. Chewie.

    Level (boost) restore cmd?

    Just make a backup of your file//folder containing rank info ((can't quite remember which file//folder to be exact however..))
  8. Chewie.

    Guys!!InsaNity here!! :)

    Hello there, and welcome to our forum and community! Enjoy your stay
  9. Chewie.

    Converting Freeze Tag

    ahh, perhaps the wrong ip has been put above the shoutbox then, i guess.
  10. Chewie.

    Level (boost) restore cmd?

    That's karma for going into devmap with the same player profile, or not backing up when deleting the game Edit: Plus, levels on deathrun don't mean anything these days, and it'll take the fun out of ranking up again.
  11. Chewie.

    Converting Freeze Tag

    CSGO doesnt have codjumper though?
  12. Chewie.

    IceOps Community Group in Steam

    How about we don't give them a tag, and just let them be apart of the steam group to interact with other people and members instead? Then just leave the tags to mods and members?
  13. Chewie.

    IceOps Community Group in Steam

    @DavidO Glad I could help
  14. Chewie.

    IceOps Community Group in Steam

    No, you don't have to. The one you linked, is for us members. The new one, is for the community as a whole, so non members can join.
  15. Chewie.

    Report for [BSC] Dovydas

    As @Blandum stated however, if he was warned already yet continued to do it after the mod left, then I agree, I believe it is a short tempban worthy; he is blatantly ignoring what a mod has asked of him, thinking he can get away with it just because he left. - Chewie.
  16. Chewie.

    Iceops Deathrun Suggestion.

    I personally don't see what some people's problem with ghost mode is; it allows for people (by their own choice) to continue playing the map once dead. This would allow them not only to gain skill by practising maps they may not be familiar with (if new for example), but will also reduce the amount of hate//boredom of other players, such as when they constantly ask players to "B42" so they can start next round etc... Likewise, people who are new may feel intimidated by skilled players from watching them, hence why they may want to continue playing in ghost mode. As like with some people have said, deathrun is not all about watching other people, who want to show off skills they may have. Deathrun is about enjoying yourself and having a good time whilst you play, which some people may not get from watching other people, but from playing for themselves, hence why I don't see why people are so against the idea of ghost mode? I must say, I'm baffled as to why there is this amount of disfavour towards ghost mode if I'm honest. +1 for ghost mode from me. - Chewie.
  17. Chewie.

    Deathrun idea

    - Admins such as @Mc.Joker and @Ninja are busy working on more important things as of now, so I doubt sprays//skins//weapons will be added any time soon... - As for when people use bad language, that is already censored for the most part, with the odd use of bad language that is not censored, for an unknown reason. - With adding ranks, a lot of work has to be done to implement them into the server, so I doubt they'll be added any time soon either, as likewise with the skins etc, admins have more important things to be sorting out right now, in regards with our servers. Nice ideas though, but as of now, I'm not too sure whether they will be considered to be put onto the server or not. - Chewie. (PS. Next time you enter images into a post, could you possibly resize them to make them smaller please?)
  18. Chewie.

    Report for nN|Pepe

    You say about people 'singing with him', but the point of this thread was due to Pepe's text chat spam, right? Which you can see in the console screenshots was pretty ridiculous; the amount of spam was unreal! Even if he is a close friend of yours or whatever, you still should have at least mentioned to him about our rules regarding spam etc, in which we can see that you made no attempt in the chat to do so... I'm not the only one who thinks this, right? @Joe @Aquiz @peura - Chewie.
  19. Chewie.

    IceOps Community Group in Steam

    If IceCommunity is too long for an in-game tag, we could always use "iOps"? @Scott
  20. Chewie.


    Chewii#21987 I think
  21. Chewie.

    Scripts request...

    As Pred stated, I don't believe we have these plugins//scripts on our servers, or I've never seen them at least! Probably best asking another community, or searching from Google. Apologies.
  22. Chewie.

    IceOps T-Shirt Competition.

    Was just thinking, perhaps we could still have t-shirts made, despite the event being waaaayyyy over and done with? Could be a potential way of making money for the community; general t-shirt designs for the public (could be advertised on the in-game servers?) then personalised ones for members? Just a thought, whilst I'm sat here in work.. haha.
  23. Chewie.

    Logo Design

    Looks very clean and fresh, the simplicity of it works great!
  24. Chewie.

    Iceops Deathrun Suggestion.

    I think ghost mode could greatly benefit our community, as we seem to get a lot of new or 'not so advanced' (so to say) players, so perhaps this could reduce the amount of hate from other players towards those people when having to spectate others, whereas with the ghost mode they don't have to? I believe this idea could work great!