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Posts posted by Kenai

  1. 12 hours ago, Jack said:

    Explain to me pls.


    On the server, someone can use two computers to play on obscurity, the real one playing while the second player is in spectate. The other computer would be right next to them and they can see the location of the Obscurity easily. So far I've seen three players use this tactic, and two of them have since been banned.

  2. Spoiler


    On 04/09/2016 at 10:49 AM, peura said:

    Player's name:

    Mr-yung ( IceOps|IsGAY

    Player's PlayerID:



    Deathrun 1.2

    Please describe what happened: 

    Mr-yung played with us yesterday when moderators didn't have powers on the server, he suddenly left the game and a new player connected right after with name " IceOps|IsGAY " and his IP address fits with mr-yung.



      Hide contents





    Next time you can use the command '$Status' and that'll show their full IP, Just a tip for next time there's a problem like this.

  3. 2 hours ago, TeyZ said:

    Andrew is cuting me to let me free for obs, and it is the 2nd time he does it (the 2nd is here with the screenshot and he did it at 02:44 AM)

    I can't move and then obs is coming to kill me........


    Do something please he doesn't answers me when i ask him why he does it.......


    Thank you

    Sans titre.png


    Thank you for your Report-- However you didn't fill out the correct Form, please click Here and fill out all the required fields. Unfortunately we cannot do anything without a PlayerID/SteamID.


    Also make sure to make a demo the next time they attempt this as it will provide us with more proof.



    -The IceOps Staff

  4. Education is more important early in your life than Gaming is, It'll help you get a good/better job down the road-- So keep that in mind.


    Take care!


    -The IceOps Family

  5. Thank you for your Appeal, @Severe_Weather.


    I know it's hard playing the mod Obscurity. So in the future make sure you read the Help more carefully and to always take care of your Teammates. (If you need to know more about the Obscurity server Rules, Make sure you click this Link and read the Server Related:Obscurity rules)


    I have reduced your ban length to only 2 Hours.


    -The IceOps Staff

  6. @TeyZ I'm pretty sure you've been playing on our Obs server for more than a Month, And You have been warned by me once or twice about giving out in-game info when dead. If you must, Read our Server related Rules Here that way next time you'll know when you're breaking one or not.


    As for the Teamkillers, We warn Teamkillers 3 times and then they'll get auto-banned for a certain amount of time- So yes we DO ban teamkillers, however when we aren't on we leave the matter to other players that get their proof of said Teamkiller and their SteamID and report them Here.


    -IceOps Staff

  7. Hello, @metehankilic7.


    You didn't use the correct Format to appeal your ban as we don't know who you are(Name wise)


    Also, Unfortunately since you've decided to submit a ban appeal 2 years AFTER your ban- Which is quite some time to submit an appeal, We have a new banning system and cannot unban your GUID I'm afraid.


    -IceOps Staff

  8. Okay, The proof is Down below.



    This is Your name with same GUID that was banned previously under the name 'jkj'




    This is the proof and your new ID. With the new Name, etc.



    Note that bans for hacking will NOT be lifted.


    Not to mention FPS above 250 isn't allowed on the Obscurity server.

  9. Just now, Finy said:

    Now I banned with reason "Multihack". 
    My UID is [U:32:47478165].
    Admin: Kenai.

    I playing Call Of Duty Multiplayer since 2009 year. I playing very well, ninja. 
    Why was I banned now for "multihack" If i don't have it? 



    I will upload the proof, One second.