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Reporting an insulter

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Hello everyone and good evening, i have already told ninja, but i thought coming to the forum would be nice aswell.

I would like to report the following player for insulting, it's actually flaming insulting and a bad way to speak to somebody, also sometimes spamming low low low...

1. What type of a rule break are you reporting: Insulting, flaming and desrespecting (bad language) [Calling everyone low and basically desrespecting me and my friend]

2. Server: Your Deathrun v1.1 (

3. Approximate time: like 20 minutes before (~10:20 Greek time /GMT +2)

4. Player's name: E.LECLERC

5. Player's GUID or UID: 86b46900

6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs):

7. Please describe what happened: Sure, well to start, i gave a free round, he died, and after that he started calling me low, i said why he's saying that and he replied i got a bit nervous because he called me low (actually spammed) after i won the jumper on the sniper room... Anyway i told him to shut up, and excuse me for that, but it's annoying, besides that he insulted me in other ways which can be found in the proof

Anyway, hope he gets banned, or at least warned and please inform me if i can report 2 or more people in one ban request post, because i got a lot of guys to report and i don't really like spamming (2/3 posts for just reports)

Thanks for your time,


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