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Giuseppe - 7d2f5745


Inappropiate languale ALL THE TIME. Even when telling i find it highly offensive

1. What type of rule break are you reporting: Psychological abuse and very inappropriate use of language towards others and spesificly me afther warning him frinedly he should stop it because it offends people.

2. Server: ProMod LIve

3. Approximate time:16:00

4. Player's name:Giuseppe

5. Player's GUID or UID: 7d2f5745

6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs): See Attachement (and much more)

7. Please describe what happened: See 1.

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I would appreciate if you use the Report form:

1. What type of a rule break are you reporting:*

2. Server:*

3. Approximate time:

4. Player's name:*

5. Player's GUID or UID:

6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs):*

7. Please describe what happened:*


Do you have the power to (atleast) use $kick yet?

If not just tell one of the online admins.

P.S. I would tempban him but you didn't specify which server did it happen on X(

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Guest EpSiLoN123456789
I would appreciate if you use the Report form:

1. What type of a rule break are you reporting:*

2. Server:*

3. Approximate time:

4. Player's name:*

5. Player's GUID or UID:

6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs):*

7. Please describe what happened:*


Do you have the power to (atleast) use $kick yet?

If not just tell one of the online admins.

P.S. I would tempban him but you didn't specify which server did it happen on X(

There are only 4 active admins on promod live me *v* savior and Barti as you can see here

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I would appreciate if you use the Report form:

1. What type of a rule break are you reporting:*

2. Server:*

3. Approximate time:

4. Player's name:*

5. Player's GUID or UID:

6. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs):*

7. Please describe what happened:*


Do you have the power to (atleast) use $kick yet?

If not just tell one of the online admins.

P.S. I would tempban him but you didn't specify which server did it happen on X(

I wanted to request/discuss powers afther my vacation comming thursday. I'll be away for 2,5 weeks and this vacation can determine if i am proceeding to play COD4 yes or no.

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