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deFauLtJumPeR Ban appeal

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I completely understand that :) What I dont understand is that if you knew you were being accused, why didn't you shoot a bit slower? It's like you were asking to be banned, your shots are very consistent...

Well, that doesn't make sense. xD

If I have a lot of skill, I should impair the skill, because others said that? :D

I suggest to make a video, where we can see your finger and the shooting on screen, to compare it with the proof. Then you will be unbanned if it is solid.

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I meant shoot a bit "randomly" (Not as consistently), to ensure we know he's not scrolling. His shots are very consistent. If I were to scroll and he were to shoot, they would look and sound very similar.

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I don't have time to make more videos, so I will just wait the ban time out I guess :/

However, when unbanned, will I be re-banned? The proof is there of the clicking, so I hope that when I rejoin that I am not banned wrongfully again.

And my shooting is not 100% consistent all of the time. Record me for 1 whole day, you will NOT see the same shooting pattern, lol..

I have played on ice0ps since July 2012...

...Perhaps this is my last time playing on your servers if you cannot see the proof in the video, I did as you have requested and the proof is there.

You also said I'd be let off if you could hear me clicking on teamspeak, but now another video is requested? I actually can't believe this.

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