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Possible Gamebreaking (?) / Bugabuse

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1. What type of a rule break are you reporting: Bugabusing (or such)

2. Server: Iceobscurity

3. Approximate time: Today, 24.07.2015, 15:15-15:45 UTC+1

4. Player's name: actively involved are Andy <3, Blyadonok, Fisk-Sander53 and a few people on site, that didnt do an awful lot or didn't succeed at trying (appearant from Demo)

5. Proof (bear in mind that we can use chatlogs): (file a bit large, because it went on for a whole round)

6. Please describe what happened: I had a short talk with IceOps|Joker, who told me that this kind of gamebreaking should be brought to report.

I don't know how to properly title this, but during the demo you can see players "spawning" obsrifle for marines, or something like that.

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Thank you for the report :)

When this happens again I will warn and punish them for it.

But because they didn't succeed in it I can't ban them now. Well, I can but not for so long and then it has no affect on them.

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