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About Lookout

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  • Birthday December 1

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Germany
  • Occupation Consultant

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  • Steam Lookout4real

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  1. Lookout

    Clan update! Important!

    Indeed my friend. Unfortunately, the FareWell section is not to be found since with my current status I can't access the forum Else, I am open for suggestions as to where I can write my Farewell as a Clan-Member to IceOps.
  2. Lookout


    Wow, I am really sad to read this and especially since it all happened in my name/account. There is 50% of blame for me to take due to my inactivity (--> catching him at the start). I apologies to everyone for this. It could have been easily avoided (to a certain extend at least). This should and is also my cue to step down from IceOps. But I'll write a decent farewell after following up on a few things. Love, Look
  3. Lookout

    IceOps Reborn

    It was very nice having you here Duck. Thanks for everything m8!
  4. Lookout

    IceOps Reborn

    Dear IceOps, as you might have noticed, IceOps as to how it is now, is going nowhere. After discussing the future of IceOps with Joker, we agreed that changes have to be made in order to restore being a real Clan. We have seen a lot in the past and evaluated what the causes were for the ups and downs. Currently, there are many who aren't active anymore, hardly represent IceOps and some intolerated behaviours occur here and then. We know not everyone will agree on how we will proceed, but we discussed in lengths the pro's and con's and still came to the following conclusion on how to reform IceOps new: All memberships except for the IceOps-Staff are going to be revoked on Sunday 12th March 2017. Meaning, you are now a former member. If you still want to be part of this Clan, as being part of a full functional clan, you may reapply again. Each application will be reviewed and discussed within the IceOps-Staff. A re-application does not mean you are going to be auto-accepted. Final decisions on your application will be announced by a member of the Clan Leaders Group. Keep in mind that this reform and action is nothing personal. It was long overdue and needs to be done in hopes, to bring IceOps back on track. To all who aren't active and will probably read this too late or never: Thank you for your time, work and contributions to IceOps. As you know, we appreciated your company and when you feel like coming back, we are looking forward to it! Time for a fresh start. - The IceOps-Staff Ps.: IceMods are not affected by this. For you it stays the same.
  5. Lookout

    Admin abuse for Stu

    It ain't that simple if you are a server moderator. If you want it simple again, you may drop your position here in IceOps. Indeed and just to get it straight: This is a warning for you @Stu. - Case Closed.
  6. Lookout

    Head Members Group

    Hey everybody, you may have noticed that our Head Members Group is a little bit lonely with only - the one and only - Kenai in it After some time of elaboration of possible candidates with the whole Staff, we reached a mutual decision to promote into the Head Members Group. Although I have my doubts of him being too slow for me, I put my speed aside and everything suddenly is fine Congratulations Bro and a warm welcome to the ultimate IceOps-Staff! Keep up the good work, well deserved I might add! Cheers, Lookout
  7. Lookout

    Steam - Security

    Thanks @Summer. for the heads up. FYI: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcma...eam_profile_related_exploit/ - This information is only for notice -
  8. Lookout

    Ban appeal for Kyo

    A longar ban? Maybe permanently? Kyo, obviously you raged up there. However, get a grib man.
  9. Lookout

    Demotion MinQkel

    Things have settled for him in real life. Bad for us, the better for him though. MinQ handed in his resignation last monday in a private message due to his inactivity. It's really sad to see him go, especially since he guided me to IceOps in the first place (and Kenai, too, ofc). If he should return to online-gaming, he will return to IceOps, at least to say Hi There's really nothing more to add except to quote a line from his message, so you guys know that he sends his best regards: "I do thank you for the good time you guys have given me. Still the best community I've ever been in and the first one I feel returning to when I get back into gaming. I wish you and the rest of the community the best! Yours truly " Farewell MinQ! - The IceOps-Staff
  10. Lookout


    Loooooooooooooooooooooong overdue, and I am sorry for this, but we have a new Adminstrator: Aquiz Proven by his hard work and dedication to IceOps, he managed to rank up! Well deserved I might add. Keep up the good work and am proud to announce your climbing (ye ye late I know )
  11. Lookout

    New rules please

    All has been basically said, @Andrea. I understand the disadvantage starting mid-game. I bet you can deal easily with granade launchers and extreme campers as long as you start with them (beginning of map/round). I feel your pain, but more reason to get some skill .However, no reason to change the game. PT_Sam, if you are concerned about collateral damage you are always welcome to adress a higher rank member via pm. We'll handle it internally and come back to you. Hope this won't discurage/hinder you having fun around us now. A lot happaned over the past year, just check it out and if you like what you see, feel welcome to stick around - Closed.
  12. Lookout

    The Return of Deathrun

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Death Run!!! I understand many are excited to finally play on this server again and we wish you a lot of fun! But behave!
  13. Lookout

    CoD MW Remaster

    It's a shame you have to buy both.... Or is there a possibility to just buy the remastered? If so, link would be appreciated
  14. Lookout


    Due to a change in his life situation and fading interest in gaming, @Slyfire wishes to be demoted to be a regular member. His wish is granted. Thanks Slyfire for your company, you're a great guy and let me know when things turn back to normal Happy Gaming yall!
  15. Lookout

    Question about rules

    Well, I usually just kicked immediately for "Afk. Please rejoin." That makes it quite simple. However, when no admin is around I would see it as taking another advantage over the marines. On the other Hand, marines could use the afk to set up the obs, lurking him there. Two ways street, but with the latter you'll get some minus points eventually. Oh and the timewasting you'll encounter there @2fast4you, that's not playing the game, kick. (except you all accept to fool around a bit, i.e. when being only 2 or 3 people on the server)